Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/198

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146 BISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY road was completed to Faribault the tide was turned toward that village, and Chandler's place was closed to the general public. At the first election, held at the residence of Walter Doyle, thirty votes were polled. Among the early supervisors were S. P. Chandler, H. M. Doyle (two terms). Michael Doyle, John Edwards, Francis Malloy, Walter Doyle and -lames Malloy. The early clerks were Patrick Drudy four terms), H. M. Doyle, Michael Doyle (two terms), P. J. Sheridan and Michael Doyle. The township did its share in the Civil War in a noble way. The official list of those enlisting from the township is as follows : Freeman J. Beers, Truman E. Beers, George Cook, James McGrath, John Manning, David Petty, William Gardiner, John Hilger, Jacob Hilger, Jacob Cook. Jr., Timothy Cavanaugh, Wal- ter W. Doyle, Patrick Drudy, Patrick Edwards, Martin Edwards, Timothy Foley, Patrick Foley. Henry L. Gilbert. Henry M. Craig, Patrick Malloy. Daniel AY. Malloy. Thomas Bolls. Cornelius K. Bylen, David Switzer, John B. Taylot, .lames Cassidy, George Cook, .binies Schweiger, Ruben Taylor. Horace Carpenter, Nelson Cannon. Elander W. Carpenter. Francis M. Irish. William J. More. Russell E. Snell, George Johnson, Amos Hanson, John Nels Johnson. Robert Smithson. Henry Kirkland, Isaac Bridell, Michael Cavanaugh, Xels Johnson. The first religious services held in this town were at the resi- dence of Benoni Bill, May 25, 1855, the Rev. Morris Hobart officiating. The Catholic church was commence. 1 in 1865, and cost over $3,000. The present beautiful edifice was erected in 1893. It is the largest congregation in the town, and has been a potent influence in the upbuilding of the community. The Episcopal church was built in 187.'! at a cost of $1,600, mainly through the exertions of the Rev. S. P. Chandler, who was pastor of the parish until his death, in 1888. For several years there was a post office at Ryan, in the eastern part of the township. BELVIDERE TOWNSHIP. Belvidere was given the name of York by the committee which had charge of the organization of the Goodhue county townships in 1858. At the instance of the state authorities this was changed to Elmira, and after the same authorities had urged their objections to this name it was changed to Belvidere, which it has since remained. Belvidere originally included what is now Goodhue. The township comprises government township No. Ill north, range 14 west. Wells creek rises in the northwestern part of the town, running north and east. It is fed by Clear and Rock