Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/210

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158 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUXTY the lake in rafts from points on the Mississippi and the St. Croix. But it was soon found that Lake City afforded a much better landing, and as a result business -was drawn away from Central Point and toward Lake City. However, in 1857 Lewis & Scott built another sawmill, which was conducted for a time by Frank Sterrit and afterward bought and conducted by S. S. and G. H. Grannis. The manufacture of sorghum syrup in later years became an important industry. The first school was taught in 1858. In 1873 a very fine and commodious school building was erected. The first house built in the town was a log cabin con- structed by H. L. Barrett. In this house the Rev. M. Sorin con- ducted the first religious service held in the township. The first death was that of an infant child of C. AY. Hackett. in 1856. Of the first marriage no record has been left. It is also impos- sible to learn of the first town officers, as the early records were destroyed by mice sonic years ago. before any transcription was made of the important fads. The contribution from Central Point to the ranks of the L T nion army would seem almost impossible were it not a matter of official record. According to these records, no less than twenty-one men enlisted from this town. They were: Wesley F. Bailey. Dexter Chacldock, James AY. Delong, AYallaee AY. Delong. John R. Graham, Ambrose Gardiner, John Gardiner, George Harrison. Edward B. Hawkins, Marcus Hills. Baker Har- rison, Clarence Hubbard, Charles Lathan, Adjutant Perry D. Martin, Levi M. Phillips, John L. Rice, Charles H. Sibley, George Weaver, George S. Harrison, John S. Harrison and Co- lumbus Phillips. John G. AYooley, the famous temperance orator, started a home for drunkards in 1891, and several substantial buildings were erected, but the enterprise was afterward abandoned.