Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/279

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNT'S 223 Elans .M. Sande and Knui Sanden, in the spring of 1857. They - ocked ii with goods and carried it on for about a year, when Mr. Sanden was married and his attention turned in other direc- tions. Mr. Sande also concluded thai he could make more money farming, so the mercantile business was abandoned. Both of these gentlemen soon became well-to-do farmers of the town- ship. "Another early storekeeper was Paulus .Miller. The Aspelund Society was organized in 1875, for the mutual benefit of the farmers. A store was creeled on section 16 and the society incorporated in 1876. The tirst officers were: Presi- dent. ( ). .1. Wing; secretary, X. -I. Ottun; treasurer. E. E. Sevareid; directors. Henry Nelson Talla), Hans M. Sande and Ole Lewis. X. -I. Ottun was appointed the first manager. To the Civil War Wanamingo township contributed the fol- lowing soldiers: Ellin g Albertson, Jermia Anderson, Arne An- derson. Samuel Arnold. I). Y. Brawn, Henry II. Brown. Asa II. Dayton, Anfin Dalaker, Ole Evenson, John Ericson, Hans Hoisted. George Y. Heart. Harris Harrison, Ole Johnson. Olans Johnson, Hans Johnson, Abraham L. Jackson, Guilder Killoe, Samuel Knutson, Ole Larson. Lewis Lewison, Martin Martinson, Jolm Xilson. Charles Xels'on. Ole Oleson, Thomas Peterson, John Peterson. F. F. Sandberg, Lawrence Thoreson, Henry J. Burrell, Phillip Buck, John M. Clark, Halver Enderson, Franklin Fuller, Anthony Farrell, Otis E. Fowble, Marshall Gore, Achiel D. Ilollista. John S. Hall. Francis G. Hall, Elias Hoyt. William Ilahn, Julius Johnson. John J. Koenan. George Newyille, John B. Robinson. Eleazer Robbins, Anson Smith. Almon P. Smith, James B. Stouthers, Lorenz Thoreson, Gunder Thompson, Theo- dore Moonen, James A. Miller, Peter MeDonough, Jonathan B. Serrell. Halver Stamerson. Charles J. Dobering. Francis J. Burke, John Betcher, AVilliam H. Blaker . Samuel B. Brown, Laurens E. Brow r n, Spaulding AVhittemore, Lucian L. Perkins, Sela Denny, Phillip Buck. Samuel Johnson, Charles Martin. John Gutteridge, Joshua Oliver, Melvin O. Dutton, John Clementson. Daniel Me- Alonan. AVilliam H. Applegat. R. G. Applegat, Peter B. Town- send, John Johnson, Tenkel X T elson, Charles Flack, John Peter- son, William G. Renearson, Lodolf Swanson. Patrick Connersy, Peter Hoppe, Andrew Roberts, Francis Coule, Archibald Gallo- way, George H. Gaylord, W. B. Harlan, Jacob J. Hussell, Jolm Mallory, John Ockerson, George C. Ridley, Ole Severson. John Williams, Nels Iverson, Fikel Jensen, Frank W. Carlson, George Chambers, Samuel B. Roberts, Dominick Toole. At the organization of the township. May 11. 1858. the officers elected were: Supervisors, 0. Hansen (chairman), N. K. Fenne, J. G. Brown ; town clerk, J. T. Wright; justice of the peace, W. R. Brown; constable, W T arren Tllson ; assessor. X K. Fenne. Fol-