Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/282

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226 EISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY townsite of Wanamingo was platted by the Milwaukee Land Com- pany. The village has experienced a steady growth since the townsite was first platted and at present has a population of about 200 or more inhabitants. That the place has become one of the busiest little villages in southern Minnesota is but a reflec- tion on the farming community in which it is located. Wana- mingo township was. according to the census of 1900, the richest agricultural township in the United States and there is very little if any difference in the adjoining townships surrounding the village. A genial spirit has existed between the business of the village and the farmers of the vicinity. Business enterprises are controlled by local capital, the farmers holding a good share. The following are business enterprises represented in the vil- lage at present : The Farmers State Bank of Wanamingo, with a capital of $10,000. was organized in 1904 through the efforts of Henry M. and Martin Balvorson. The bank received its certificate of or- ganization December 2. 1904, and commenced doing business February 1. 1905, in their banking house, which had been erected (luring the previous fall. Their banking house is a one-story brick building, handsomely erected and well equipped with mod- ern furniture and fixtures. The stock was subscribed and is held by farmers and business men of the community. The bank's busi- ness has been guarded by a careful and conservative management and has had a marvelous increase until the deposits have reached $220,000 and loans $185,000. The bank has a permanent surplus fund of $3,500. The directors are: O. Follingstad, X. J. Olness, ('has. O. Roe. E. B. Lunde, T. Thompson. Hon. C. L. Brusletten, Hon. A. J. Bockne, Martin Halvorson and Henry M. Halvorson. The officers at present are: O. Follingstad, president; Henry M. Halvorson, vice president and secretary: X. J. Olness, vice presi- dent; Martin Halvorson, cashier. The Minneola Creamery Company was organized December 26, 1893. The first set of officers were : President, J. B. Locke ; treas- urer, O. T. Berg; secretary and manager, Edw. G. Hammer. The directors were : Henry Weiss, Henry James. X T . J. Olness and R. O. Lund. J. B. Locke, who probably did most to promote the organization of the company, served as president until his death. O. T. Berg has served as treasurer of the company since organiza- tion. R. 0. Lund served as secretary and manager from 1894 to 1900. Carl Fossum has served in the same capacity since 1900 The present officers are: President. L. H. Ofstie; secretary and manager, Carl Fossum ; treasurer, O. T. Berg. The directors are Sam 0. Aslackson, Oscar Steberg. 0. R. Reberg and 0. T. Teigen. The company manufactured last year over 550,000 pounds of but- ter, which sold for over $125,000. . Business has outgrown the