Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/309

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II1STOKY OF GOODHUE COl TY 349 MILITARY COMPANY. Company D, Zumbrota By E. F. Davis)— In the early spring of 1885 a handful of young men met in the old Parker hall to take the preliminary steps for forming a state militia company in Zumbrota. The company was first known as the Zumbrota Guards, reserve militia," and was mustered into service March 6, 1885. by ('apt. A. P. Pierce of Red Wing. John Stenersen was the first captain and the charter members were as follows: J. H. Stenersen, P. F. Ryder, Dan Dyerson, F. G. Mitchell, Charles E. Kolbe. Bert Pease, William Rogers, Herman Shirley, Tim Ma- honey, Willis George, S. B. Scott, Fred Steelier. Amos Scofield, II. B. Carpenter, C. E. Johnson, Carl L. Strom. M. L. Webb, A. W. Thomas, J. C. Powers, Leroy Carley, Fred Caffee, C. H. Stearns,. Leo Schafer. Albert Woodbury, William Clemens and Frank Halbert. Willis George and -I. C. Powers were elected first and second lieutenants, respectively, with C. H. Stearns first sergeant and ('. E. Johnson se.-ond sergeant. M. L. Webb was first cor- poral and R. R. Sigmond second corporal. During the first few years of the existence of the company the members were com- pelled to furnish their own uniforms, the only thing the state supplied being the old 50-caliber rifles, belts and bayonets. At the end of the first year J. II. Stenersen resigned to accept a place on Gov. L. F. Hubbard's staff and C. E. Johnson was elected to fill his place. In October. 1885, Willis George re- signed and C. H. Stearns was elected first lieutenant. The Third Regiment was organized in 1887. at which time the Zumbrota Guards became Company D of that organization, and have held their title. ever since, being now the oldest company in the state of Minnesota and having the distinction of furnishing more field and staff officers than any other company in their regiment. At the first encampment in 1888 there were only eighteen men, who served without pay. This little group showed such enthusiasm that there was a much larger number thereafter, although it took a great deal of hard work on the part of Capt. Johnson, as the members received absolutely no aid from the state. In March, 1887, Lieut. Powers resigned and was succeeded by Sergt. William Clemens. The latter resigned in August, 1887. and was succeeded by Private Thomas Brusegaard. In March, 1888, Lieut. Stearns resigned and Sergt. Leo Schafer was elected in his place. Capt. Johnson resigned in 1891 to take the position of major and C. H. Stearns became the third captain of the company. LTnder his command the members went to Chicago to take part in the dedication of the World's Fair buildings. Shortly after this Capt. Stearns and Lieut. Schafer resigned and First Sergt. E. S. Person was elected captain and Sergt. W. W.