Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/349

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HISTORY (>F GOODHUE COUNTY 289 Legiate and preparatory, together with many branches distinc- tively feminine, such as domestic science, housekeeping, needle- work and cooking. Rev. Hans Allen is at the head of the institution. There are twenty-six incorporators and the officers are: President, Rev. K. Bjorgo; vice president, Dr. C. L. Opsal; secretary, H. L. Hjerm- stad; trustees, C. II. Boxrud, C. F. Hjermstad, Dr. C. L. Opsal, Joh. Ylvisaker, J. C. Seebach, Albert Johnson, R. H. Boxrud. H. Allen, K. Bjorgo and H. L. Hjermstad are ex-officio members. The total number of pupils enrolled during the school year 1908-09 was 183. Of these 10 were by nationality Norwegian, 48 German, 11 American, 7 Swedish, 5 Danish, 1 Swiss and 1 Finish. Of these 156 were boarders and 27 city people. Six pupils were enrolled as specials, 11 were in the prepara- tory course, 40 in the domestic economy, 1 in the normal, 55 in the seminary and 14 in the college courses. Twenty-one were enrolled in the department of elocution, 15 in the commercial course. 57 in the art department. 43 in the vocal department, 15 in the piano department. 3 in violin and the Choral Society num- bered 133. At the graduating exercises on June 10, 1909, 18 received diplomas from the seminary course, 1 from the normal, 7 from the domestic economy and 11 from the commercial courses; 4 received diplomas from the piano department and 1 from the voice culture department. Rev. Hans Allen, president of the faculty of the Lutheran Ladies' Seminary, is a gentleman of unquestioned integrity and marked scholarly attainments, one who stands high in the min- isterial and educational ranks of the county. He is a native of Decorah Iowa, born March 15, 1861, son of Guttorm Allen, who came to America in 1844, and the same year enlisted in the Mex- ican war. Here he did his adopted country brave and efficient service. Upon his return he located at Jefferson Prairie, Wis., and married Kirsten Rishovd, a native of Norway, who came to this country in 1846. At Jefferson Prairie he farmed for a short time, afterward removing to Decorah, Iowa, Avhere he pur- chased 360 acres and carried on agricultural operations on an extensive scale. He died in 1902 and his wife followed him to the Great Beyond diiring the following year. Hans Allen at- tended the common schools of his neighborhood and entered the Luther College of Decorah, Iowa, receiving his diploma with honors in 1883. He supplemented this training with a three years' course at the Concordia College, St. Louis, Mo., after which he was ordained to the ministry in the fall of 1886. His first charge was at Portland, Trail county. North Dakota, where he served eight congregations in an able manner for six years. His work in