Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/372

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308 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY the two sides and at the rear of the building are grass plots, also a grass boulevard on Third street. The building is essentially one of Red "Wing construction. Besides being contracted by W. J. Longcor, the plumbing and heating work was done by J. H. Doyle and the electrical work by Foster Bros. From the commencement of work until June, 1909, the gov- ernment was represented at the work by Henry Brack as super- intendent of construction. Mr. Brack was then transferred to Michigan and the work was completed under the superintendence of John H. Holmes, who at the same time superintended the erec- tion of the tower on the post-office at St. Paul. OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS. Cannon Falls. — The post-office at Cannon Falls was established in 1854 with James MeGinnis as postmaster. Its first mail supply was on the old Dubuque & St. Paul stage route, for which later on service by stage from Bed "Wing was substituted. This con- tinued until early in the eighties, when the building of the Wis- consin, Minnesota & Pacific line enabled the establishment of railroad service. Succeeding Mr. MeGinnis as postmaster came George McKin- zie; then in order Eli Ellsworth, George L. Baker, A. J. Phelps, Joseph E. Chapman, F. D. Barlow, W. H. Scofield, L. L. Lewis. The present postmaster is P. A. Peterson, who has served since October 1, 1889. The income of the office for 1908 was $5,525.00. During that year there were issued 4,255 domestic and 50 international money orders and 1,164 domestic and 7 international were paid. There were dispatched 802 registers and delivered 942. There are eight rural routes connected with the office, and four mails are re- ceived and dispatched daily. The office served 5,000 patrons. The present force of the office is: Postmaster, P. A. Peterson; assistant, Ella M. Johnson; clerk, H. "Wolander; rural carriers, John A. Anderson, August M. Johnston ; Oscar E. Olson, Harry F. Hine, John A. Lundberg, George F. Miller, John A. Johnson and Edwin Larson. Originally the name of this office was Cannon River Falls, and it so continued up to October, 1889, when a change was made to Cannon Falls. Dennison. — This post-office, which is located on the western line of the county, on the line of the Chicago Great "Western Railway, was established in 1885, with G. A. Bonhus as post- master. He was succeeded by K. A. Bonhus, who in turn gave way to A. K. Lockrem. Jens "Walen succeeded him, then his brother, John "Walen. then I. O. Flaten, who was succeeded by