Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/447

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 375 The Corporation — The general purpose of this corporation, according to its articles of incorporation, shall be the owning, erecting, improving', maintaining and conducting a public hos- pital for the medical and surgical care and treatment and the nursing of persons afflicted with disease admitted as patients therein and to do and perform all the business incident and neces- sary to the successful operation of a public hospital. The plan of operation of said corporation shall be the securing of funds fpr the establishment and maintenance of said hospital from gifts and voluntary donations, from issuing its capital stock and, if necessary, from loans and from reasonable charges for the care, treatment or nursing of patients who are financially able to pay therefor. The corporation is organized for benevolent pur- poses and not for profit and shall, whenever able to do so, care for and nurse worthy poor patients admitted into the hospital without charge. The location of said corporation and of said hospital shall be at the city of Red Wing, in the county of Goodhue, in the state of Minnesota. Membership — Any male Lutheran above the age of twenty- one years, who is a member in good standing of any Lutheran church in the United States which has become or shall become affiliated or connected with the Synodical Conference, upon becoming a stockholder of the corporation and making applica- tion therefor, may become a member of this corporation. Capital Stock — The capital stock of said corporation shall be thirty-five thousand dollars, divided into seven thousand shares of five dollars each. Such stock shall be sold, issued and delivered only to persons eligible as members of this corporation. No owner or holder of any such stock shall dispose of the same to any person who is not eligible as a member of this corporation. No sale or transfer of any stock of this corporation shall be valid or effected unless such sale or transfer shall have been entered upon the books of the corporation. The officers of Hospital Corporation in 1903 were : J. H. Schacht, president; C. F. Hjermstad. vice-president; E. H. Rehder, secretary and treasurer. Trustees — J. H. Schacht, E. H. Rehder, Charles Reinhart, Rev. J. R. Baumann, Rev. E. I. Strom, J. C. Seebach and Albert Keye. Business Manager — Charles Reinhart. Hospital Staff— M. H. Cremer, M. D. ; L. E. Claydon, M. D. ; A. E. Johnson. M. D. Superintendent of nurses and director of training school — Ida G. Beauford. Nurses' committee — Theo. Graebner (chairman), F. W. Kalfahs. The officers of the Hospital Corporation in !!)(>!> are: J. H. Schacht, president: A. V. Dicke, vice-president; E. H. Rehder. secretary, and R. YV. Rehder. treasurer. Trustees .1. 11. Schacht,