Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/450

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378 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY on the Betcher property, near the Mississippi bridge, on the cor- ner of Main and Bluff, but the rapid growth of the business soon demanded larger grounds ; they therefore removed to their pres- ent location in 1907. where they built a modern up-to-date boat factory. It is composed of the following departments : the ma- chine shop, employing twenty-five men. who manufacture the motors for the launches ; the woodworking department, employ- ing twenty men, who manufacture the launches ; the testing room and tinshop. woodworking machine shop, stock and draft room, engine and boiler room, warehouses A and B, where 200 launches can be stored. They employ fifty men and manufacture 1,000 boats yearly, which are sold all over the world. The plant cost about -toO.000. The business is incorporated under the firm of Red Wing Boat Manufacturing Company. The following are the officers : R. H. Boxrud, president ; J. R. Trautner, vice-president and manager; C. F. Hjermstadt, secretary and treasurer. Remmler's Brewery. In 1861, William Heising came to Red Wing and purchased of John Friederich the Old Minnesota house, located on the corner of Bush and Fifth streets, and immediately turned it into a brewery, with the addition of cellars and the necessary appliances for the manufacture of beer. In 1869, Mr. Heising built a fine brick structure, 40x80 feet, three stories above the basement. The basement contained the malt machinery and other' apparatus. On the first floor were the beer kettle, mash tub, cooler works and the various appliances. Second and third floors were devoted to general purposes. The first beer kettle — 1861 — hail a capacity of twenty barrels, and tlie works now have a kettle of fifty barrels capacity. December, 1873, Mr. Heising died, and the business then devolved upon the widow. This en- terprising woman soon after had an excavation made for a beer cellar, twenty feet deep, fifteen feet wide and 180 feet in length, and above that an ice house. 10x50 feet, two stories in height, built of brick. In 1S77. Mrs. Heising was married to A. Remmler. Under the direction of Mr. Remmler, 1878, a new dry kiln was put up, built of brick, 20x22. three stories ; an engine house, 22x34. same height, also of brick. On the first floor of the latter build- ing is the engine, manufactured at Erie. Pa., and the boiler. The second floor is devoted to the water tanks, cold and hot, and on the third floor cooler apparatus. Since the death of Mr. Remmler in 1908, his son Otto is his successor. Red Wing Brewing Company. The original building of this enterprise was put up by Lorenz and Phillip Hoffman in 1857, having a limited capacity, and when Jacob Christ took charge of it in 1871 the annual sales were only about 500 barrels. Later 1.400 barrels were produced yearly. The main building was re- built in 1878, of stone. 42x52 feet, with engine room 26x32, brew-