Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/456

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CHAPTER XXIII. LAND OFFICE RECORDS. Government Records of Those Who Took Claims in Goodhue County Before 1858 — A List of Hardy Pioneers, Nearly All of Whom are Now Dead The Year and Month in Which They Came and the Section, Township and Range in Which They Settled Many of Their Claims Still in the Possession of Their Families. Jn order that no old settler may be forgotten, and that the names of those sturdy pioneers who came to this county before 1858 may be perpetuated, the editors of this work have com- piled a list of those who, in the early days of the county, took claims in the various townships. In some instances where claims were taken by the same person in more than one section, the name appears as having taken land in but one section, a precau- tion which was necessary in view of the fact that otherwise there would appear many unnecessary repetitions. The old settlers who still remain with us will read this list with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret — pleasure at the memories of pleasant companionship that the names will recall, and regret that so many of them have passed on to the other shore. It is a matter of congratulation to the county that many of the claims mentioned above still remain in the possession of the families of the original claimants, and in many instances the ow r ner of the homestead at the present time was born on the farm where he still lives. The list follows : Pine Island (Range 15, Town. 109). Sec. 1. John Fletcher, May, 1856; Addison Way, April, 1856; Edward W. Robie, Sep- tember, 1856; John H. Gill, April, 1856. Sec. 2. Alvin Kinny, May. 1856; John Smith, October, 1857; Daniel Stowell. April, 1856; Lars Hanson, July, 1857; Joseph Leybold, August. 1856; August, 1857; Abraham Smith, August, 1857; Samuel Smith, Au- gust, 1857. Sec. 4. Ole Clemetson, November, 1856; Ole Elling- son. September, 1856; Knudt Clemmetson, May, 1856; Henry I. 384