Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/490

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416 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY is affiliated with no definite synod, but is what is known as a "free church," having a distinctly congregational form of government. Hegre Congregation was organized in the year 1878. Among the first members were P. P. Hegseth. A. II. Hegseth, J. P. Heg- seth, Haagen Danielson, N. 0. Rodningen. L. A. Jarstad, S. A. Ofstedal, L. J. Kyllo, P. J. Borstad, P. II. Katran, A. Kinseth and P. J. Kyllo. The erection of the church building was started about 1880. but was not completed before 1902. It was dedicated November 2. of the same year. The present membership is 200 souls and 123 confirmed members. The following pastors have been in charge of the congregation: B. J. Mnns. M. O. Baekman, A. Winther, X. Ofstedal. R. Halvorson and S. Rislov, the latter of whom is now in charge The church is located in Kenyon. The United Brethren have two churches in the county, one at Kenyon and the other a1 Hader. NORWEGIAN METHODIST. There are two Norwegian Methodisl churches in the county, one in Belvidere and one in Leon. The Eidsvold Norwegian Methodist Church of Leon. The first meetings were held in the homes of the members, in the school house, or under the trees when the weather permitted, in the year 1859. and the church was organized a year later. In 1875, through the efforts and liberality of • of its charter members, Gulbrand Nelson, a church Avas erected, and has since been sup- plied by the pastor of the church of Belvidere. It is located in section 20. The present membership numbers eleven, and its leading member and main supporter is John Ring. The Norwegian Methodist Church of Belvidere. (By Mrs. David A. Larson.) The first meetings were held in the homes and in the schoolhouse as early as 1858. These meetings, led by a local preacher. Knut Knutson, were usually well attended, the old settlers sometimes walking a distance of eight to fifteen miles to be present. In 1874 a church was erected and dedicated the following year, July 11, by the presiding elder. .1. II. Johnson, assisted by the pastor of the church. Rev. G. Oleson, also Revs. C. F. Lindquist and A. Olaveson. The first members were : Knut Knutson. a local preacher; Amund Larson, a preacher who was a soldier in the Civil War, and died September 2, 1865, of disease contracted in the service; Hans H. Danielson, also an old soldier, who suffered the loss of a limb in the war, and his wife, both active church workers, and whose home was always open to friends and strangers; Swen Hendrickson, a soldier who died after the Avar, and his wife; Thor Erickson, also a soldier, and