Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/498

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424 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Swedish Mission Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Bed Wing. In August, 1868, a few persons gathered at the home of Nels Nelson, who lived near the Milwaukee depot, and held a prayer meeting, which was led by Nels Sylvander, who had arrived from Sweden two weeks before. After that, meetings were held every Wednesday evening and Sundays, and were usually con- ducted by Mr. Sylvander, except for an occasional visit by Revs. P. Undeen and •). M; Sangren, of Chicago. The meetings were well attended and in 1869 the society was organized and the fol- lowing officers elected: President. Nels Sylvander; deacon, G. Bordson; trustees. G. F. Kjellstrom, P. Johnson and L. Larson, who with their wives and J. Johnson and wife, constituted the society. In 1873, a lot was purchased on Sixth street, west of Wesi avenue, at a cost of $400, and a small frame church 30x40 was erected the following year, and as soon as the building was enclosed the meetings we're held there, in 1875 the church was finished, and was dedicated by Revs. C. A. Bjork, J. M. Sangren, S. M. Youngquisl and P. Wedin. In 1877, Rev. J. M. Sangren was called to become the firsl pastor mid he served until 1878, when he died. The pastors who have served are: Revs. J. M. Sangren, A. Soderstrom, C. W. Boquist, A. Sundberg, L. Sundin, J. A. N'yvall. .1. A. Jacobson, X. J. Lindquist, Rev. C. W.- Holm, who died here in October, 1!H)7. and Henry Soderholm, who is the present pastor. During Rev. Boquist's service, the church became too small and an addition was built, also a small school room. In L900 the church was repaired and improvements made at a cost of $800, and the corner lot on Sixth and West avenue, adjoining the church lot. was purchased at a cost of .+750. In the i'all of 1908 the church was moved to this lot and remodeled. A stone basemenl was built which is used lor Hie Sunday school. The church is lighted by <ras and electricity, and is heated by steam. All this was done at a cost of nearly $6,000. This church is one of the few that is free from debt. It was dedicated March "is. 1909, by Revs. C. A. Bjork, president of the conference, G. Anderson, Prof. K. E. Forsell. J. A. Palmquist. Of the first mem- bers only three remain. Nels Sylvander, G. F. Kjellstrom. and J. Johnson. The present membership is about 150. The present Officers are: President. Oustaf Swanson; vice president, John Gompton; secretary. E. Boye; treasurer. Aug. Lindstrom; dea- cons. John Compton, A. E. Sundby, P. A. Olson. Edward Boye; trustees. John Compton, John Nord. The church has a prosper- ous Sunday school, which was organized in 1869, with G. F. Kjellstrom as the first superintendent. The present superintend- ent is B. A. Olson, who has held that position for twenty-six years. There is a Y. P. S. and two ladies' aid societies, a senior