Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/501

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY -r> Northern German Conference of t he Methodisl Episcopal Church. In 1855 the letl Wing society was organized, with Rev. Gustav Zollman as pastor and Gottlieb Ziebrasse as local preacher, and the following persons as members : A. Koch, Fredrich and Mary Koch, William and Katherine Koch, Margeretta Koch, Lena Hoff- man, Otto Kasehube and Katherina, his wife; Henry Banze, Fred- ericli and William Siebrasse, Margeretta Siebrasse, Anna M. Sie- brasse, Herman Kalterjohn, Gottlieb Post. Anna Post, Conrad Singenstrue, Charles Aiders. Sr., Louise Aiders, and Charles Aiders, Jr. After the organization of the society, and until the erection of a house of worship, their meetings were held at the residence of A. Koch. In the summer of 1856 the Red Wing town proprie- tors donated the society a lot for a church building at the corner of "West avenue and Seventh street. This society has the distinc- tion of erecting the first church building in the village of Red Wing, a small frame structure 24 x 36 feet, which cost $100. The church was dedicated in November, 1856, by the presiding elder. Rev. H. Roth. For many years this building served as a place of worship. It was finally sold to M. B. Lewis, who moved it up the hill to Sturtevant street, where it still stands as one of the old landmarks of Red Wing. The society "then erected a new build- ing at a cost of $2,500, which was dedicated in 1892, and, with some improvements made later, is still the place of worship of the society today. A parsonage had also been built on the church lot. This was remodeled in 1902. to a large and roomy house, at a cost of $1,000. Besides the above described property in Red W 7 ing, there is also a large church at Hay Creek and one at Belvidere. The statistics not being at hand, we cannot give the details as to time and cost of erection. These two churches now form a part of the Red Wing circuit, and have promising congregations. For a time services were also held in Cannon Falls and Minneola, and these places, together with Belvidere, formed a separate circuit, with the pastor resident at Belvidere. Cannon Falls and Minneola, however, have been dropped, and Belvidere was restored to the Red W 7 ing circuit. The following are the pastors, in succession, since 1855 : G. Zollman, 1855-56; Philipp Funk, 1856-58; H. Kolbe, 1858-59; C. Hodman, 1859-61; J. G. Speckman, 1861-63; A. Lamprecht, 1863-65; H. Boetcher, 1865-67; H. Schnittker, 1867-70; C. Holl- man. 1870-72; G. Hoerger, 1872-75; Adam Mueller, 1875-7ii: George Hartung, 1876-79; William Schriener, 1879-82; C. F. Stroeter. 1882-84; J. C. Jahn, 1884-86; George Hartung, 1886-87: G. Raihle, 1887-89; H. Ziegler. 1889-91 ; A. Biebighauser, 1891-94;