Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/506

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43:3 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY ing number of Catholics by administering not only the sacrament of baptism, but all the other sacraments as well, save holy orders and confirmation. July 11, 1865, being Trinity Sunday, was indeed a red-letter day for the Catholics of Red Wing. Upon that occasion the Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Grace, assisted by Rev. L. Cailliet and Father Tissot, dedicated their new church, placing it under the patronage of St. Joseph. The right reverend bishop adminis- tered confirmation to a class of fifty-five. The rapid increase of the Catholic population rendered it impossible for Father Tissot to attend to the spiritual needs of both counties. The Rev. Chr. Joseph Knauf was appointed by Bishop Grace as pastor of Goodhue county, with residence at Red Wing. Father Knauf. with Red Wing as a center, took up the rounds to Belle Creek, Cherry Grove and'Belvidere. The number of Catholics increasing with the flow of immigration, Father Stariha, now bishop of Lead, S. I)., succeeded Father Knauf in June, 1872, as pastor of Red Wing and its adjoining missions. Father Stariha erected ;i school building in the following year,

iinl secured as teachers three zealous School Sisters of Notre

Dame, from Milwaukee. Sister Bathildis. acting as superioress. remained a1 St. Joseph's until 1892. The missions in charge of Father Stariha were now too large t<> admit of his attending them; accordingly, Revs. C. Walter, A. Bolzer and -I. .Meier were assigned as assistant priests. About this time ; ( number of Catholic churches were erected throughout <; lime county. At Belvidere and < 'berry Grove stone structures were built. The Belle Creek Catholic church was erected in 1860. In 1877, the frame building of St. .Joseph's church at Red Wing having grown too small, was replaced by the present stone struc- ture al the corner of Sixth and Park streets. Upon the removal of the parish to the new church, the old structure was annexed to the school building, to furnish Wetter accommodations for the sisters and school children. During the year 1878 Rev. W. T. Roy was assigned as resident pastor of Belle Creek, with missions at Cannon Falls and Cherry Grove. In the same year Rev. John Meier, assistant to Father Stariha. was assigned as resident pastor at Belvidere. Father Stariha. relieved of the care of the missions, retained charge in Red Wing until January, 1884, when he was called by Archbishop Ireland to organize the parish of St. Francis, in the city of St. Paul. lie was consecrated first bishop of Lead, S. D., in 1902. but, broken down in health, he resigned in 1909, and returned to Austria. Rev. John Meier assumed charge of the Red Wing parish upon the transfer of Father Stariha, and remained until August, 1885. The old parsonage built by Father Knauf, and located on the