Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/532

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452 HISTORY OF GOODHUE (OI'XTV teacher, supplied the pulpits of the churches at Lewiston, Suspen- sion Bridge and Lockport, N. Y. At the instigation of his friend, Dr. A. B. Hawley, he came to this part of the country in June, L858, in company with his father. He held a service at Red AVing and later received a call as pastor of the newly-planned parish, which he accepted shortly after his return to Deveaux College. Bishop DeLaneey ordained him priest at St. Paul's, Waterloo. September 12. 1858, and on September 28 of the same year he left for Red Wing, where he held his first service as recto]- of Christ church October 3, 1858. At once he took the preliminary steps for the organization of a parish. Such organ- ization w;is perfected October 26, 1858, the parish at that time numbering in its communicants but six women and one man. The story of the*erection of buildings is related in the history of Christ church in this volume, in which article also appears mention of the parishes organized by Dr. Welles in the neighbor- ing towns. During the sixteen years of his administration there were 559 baptisms, 263 confirmations, and contributions made to outside purposes to the amount of $7,456.98. In 1865 Dr. W T elles was elected secretary of the diocesan council, and in 1866, when the diocese was districted, lie was appointed by his bishop as dean of the Southern convocation. To the first of these offices lie was thereafter elected, and to the other appointed, annually, as long as he remained in this diocese. In 1865, and continuously until he became a bishop, he was elected a deputy to the general convention. In 1874 he was elected bishop of Milwaukee. After many years of faithful service in that diocese he died, October 20, 1888. Grace Church of Pine Island. The first service of the church of Pine Island was held by Bishop Whipple the evening of Janu- ary 10, 1861. when he baptized three children. May 29 of the same year he held a second service and a third on February 13, 1862, and on February 14, a special service was held, when three adults were baptized. Rev. E. R. Welles visited Pine Island a number of times during the year, and in 1863 Rev. P. S. Ruth took charge of Pine Island in connection with the church at Man- torville. The first service was held July 5, 1863, in the Methodist chapel, and a Sunday school was maintained. Judge Wilder, of Red Wing, donated a lot for the church and the work of erect- ing a church was commenced. The foundation was laid and the laying of the corner stone was celebrated by Bishop Whipple, in the presence of several of the clergy, September 26, 1867. After this several of the families interested in the church moved away, the building was never erected, and later services were discontinued, Rev. Ruth was removed and only one family re- mained. In 1874 Rev. Charles E. Grover visited the place and