Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/567

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HISTORY OK GOODHUE COUNTY 487 figures, however, as will be seen, leave a discrepancy of several hundred. There are 9,391 males of voting age. The principal occupations are enumerated as follows: Farmers, 3,337; skilled laborers, 1,269; common laborers, 3,935; lumbermen, 3; merchants and dealers. .">01 ; railroad men, 117; liquor dealers, 80; clerks, agents and salesmen, 558; professional men, 196; teachers, 322; capitalists and retired, 174; unclassified, 198. The nativity of the people of the county is as follows : Native born, 3,303 ; Minne- sota born, 19,553; German, 1,757; Swedish, 3,013; Norwegian, 2,898; Canadian. 14S ; Irish", 168; Danish, 114; English, 89; Bo- hemian, 7 ; Polish, 8 ; Finn, 7 ; Russian, 12 ; Scotch, 21 ; French, 3; Welch, 1; other nationalities, 83. Total foreign born, 8,329. The nationality of the fathers of those now living in the county is as follows: United States, 10,002; German, 5,259; Swedish, 6,536; Norwegian, 7,300; Canadian, 297; Irish, 766; Danish, 217; English, 355; Bohemian, 28; Polish, 34; Finn, 13; Russian, 20; Austrian, 32: Scotch, 10; French, 8; Dutch (Holland), 11; Swiss, 152 ; Belgian, 27. The increase in the population of the county is told in the following table: 1860, 8,977; 1865, 14,860; 1870, 22,- 618; 1875, 28,500; 1880, 29,651; 1885, 31,113; 1890, 28,806; 1895, 32,268; 1900, 31,137; 1905, 31,628. The officers of the towns and villages of Goodhue county at the present time are : Belvidere — Anton Schaefer, chairman, Lake City; H. E. Bol- lum, clerk, Goodhue, R. 3: C. AY. Senkpiehl, treasurer, Goodhue; John Brunkhorst, assessor, Lake City. Burnside — A. B. Swanson, chairman, Red Wing; John Tyler, clerk, Red AYing; C. A. Sargent, treasurer, Red Wing; P. L. Heggstrom, assessor, Red Wing. Belle Creek — M. J. Barry, chairman ; John A. Cavanaugh. clerk, Goodhue; D. D. Ryan, treasurer, Goodhue; Charles I. Doyle, assessor, Goodhue. Cherry Grove — John J. Quam. chairman, Kenyon ; Ole Ore- dalen, clerk. Kenyon ; K. J. Bergum, treasurer, Kenyon ; A. L. Kolsum, assessor, Zumbrota. Central Point — R. M. Merrill, chairman, Lake City; Charles Gould, clerk and assessor, Lake City; Edw r in Wilson, treasurer, Lake City. Cannon Falls — J. E. Johnson, chairman; Emil Blomberg, clerk, Cannon Falls ; O. E. Haime, treasurer, Cannon Falls ; L. A. Rapp, assessor, Cannon Falls. Cannon Falls City — F. B. Seager, mayor; George Wilson, clerk; Ed. Mattson, treasurer; W. N. Wilkerson, assessor. Dennison Village — J. E. Norswing. president; W. R. Daven- port, recorder ; W. W. Westcott. treasurer ; Charles Hoberg, asses- sor.