Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/612

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530 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY V. Hancock, sent out by the same board to co-operate with Mr. Aiton in Christian endeavor. Of his arrival here as a missionary, the Rev. Hancock wrote: ' While we were still somewhere in Lake Pepin, there was pointed out to us the top of Barn Bluff, which we were told was the place where we were to land. Peculiar sensations were fell by us a1 the sie-ht of that bold bluff standing in the middle of that ureal valley through which our steamer was plowing its way. But there was not much time to indulge in sentiment. It was incum- bent upon us to gather up our loose and scattered belongings that ,we might be ready for debarkation. We kepi as cheerful as possible while making preparations and saying good bye to our companions in travel. The bell rani; to announce that the boal would soon make a short stop. As it began to draw near the shore strange faces began to appear. Nearly the whole village came down to the Landing place to give us a welcome. Some were fantastically dressed and ornamented with feathers and paint, while others were almost destitute of clothing. Two pale faces appeared among the motley crowd, our former friends. Rev. J. P. Aiton and John Push. The boal hands made short work in dumping out our luggage upon the beach. Put when the turn came for the Live stock, especially the horse and cow. there was labor. Both these animals strongly objected to going ashore. The admiring crowd of men. women and children had no attraction for them. No coaxing could prevail. Human strength and skill finally accomplished the work. The only road up the river bank seemed a soil of gully through a thicket of bushes. The mission premises consisted of two substantial log buildings a few rods in the rear of the native houses. The latter were built of poles covered with bark and stood along the river hank neai- what is now Main street, between Push and Pot- ter streets. The mission houses were near the junction of Bush and Third streets. Narrow paths were crossing each other in various directions among the hazel hushes. There was a ravine just hack of the mission houses in which many springs of cool water gushed forth, forming a small creek, afterwards called the Jordan. The mouth of this creek was then the safest harbor for canoes. Beyond the creek, on rising ground extending some sixty rods easi and west, were the Indian corn-fields. Bach fam- ily had a separate .patch of corn, the whole being Fenced around by stakes and willows. Ponies and dogs being the only animals kept in the village at that time, no domestic fences were needed. There was a fine meadow of wild grass between Sorin and Barn bluffs. "We were obliged to keep our horse and cow tethered or confined in a rude stable. The poor cow seemed to suffer much before being reconciled to the new 'home. Once she go1 away