Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/629

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HISTORY. OF GOODHUE COUNTS 547 RED WING REMEMBERED. When Red Wing Led his dusky band Through what was then Dakota land But now is Minnesota, In picking out a village site. For commerce great or money's might. He cared not one iota. But, savage chieftain as he was, He well deserves a sketch by Boz, Or other able writer ; Not for the feathers that he wore To signify his thirst for gore Or prowess as a fighter. But all who view the lovely spot, Where teepees were which now are not, Will say from sense of duty : Old Red Wing knew a thing or two, Though void of culture, and a Sioux. He had an eye for beauty. He saw a landscape passing fine, Tinted and framed by hands divine, And failed not to admire it ; He saw a charming place to rest When winter hunts had lost their zest, Nor vainly did desire it. Beside the Mississippi blue, Year after year his tents anew W r ere pitched, and Red Wing's village Sprang up like crocuses at morn, Or like the blades of Indian corn To which the squaws gave tillage. The hills arose in grandeur high, The mighty river flowing by Well mirrored the Great Spirit ; It showed his smile, the sunshine bright. — His frown, the storm cloud like a night So dark that braves might fear it.