Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/636

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554 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY +75,000 for the Chicago and St. Paul railroad, then contemplating building a line from Winona to St. Paul, passing through Red Wing. 1868-69 — J. M. Hodgman was this year elected mayor. The other officers were: Councilmen, William Howe, John Friedrich and E. W. Brooks; recorder, 0. Densmore; treasurer, Andrew Swanson; constable, James ('. Hawes; attorney. W. C. Williston; surveyor, Benjamin Densmore: physician, W. W. Sweney; as- sessor, T. T. Towne. W. W. DeKay served a short time as city marshal and as health officer this year. He was also street com- missioner. James C. Hawes was city marshal the greater part of the year and also ran the ferry. He was also health officer the greater part of the year. The "Nellie Sheldon," having been deemed a failure, was ordered laid up. its trips to Bay City being discontinued. Three policemen were appointed this year, John C. Peterson, L. II. Luce and Martin Ansbro. During this year itinerate auctioneers caused much trouble to the local merchants and ii was derided that outside auctioneers should be charged $30 a week in advance for pursuing their business here. The minutes this year contain the firsl intimation as to where these early meetings were held, "a room on Plumb street" being the designation given the meeting place. The proposition that the city should bond itself for $75,000 at 6 per cent for twenty years occupied the serious attention of the council for several meetings during 1 his term of office. 1869-70 — This is the year in which Francis Ives, a justice of the peace, lined a man $15 and then accepted the prisoner's promissory note for the amount. The matter was brought before the council for investigation, and that body decided that under the circumstances the justice had pursued the proper course. The officers were: -Mayor. W. P. Brown; councilmen, John Fried- rich, William Howe and E. W. Brooks; recorder, James Lawther; treasurer. A. W. Pratt; attorney. W. C. Williston; physician. W. W. Sweney; justices, Francis Ives and Christopher Graham; marshal, streef commissioner, health officer and constable, W. VY.

  • DeKaA'. J. C. Hawes resigned as constable and Dwight M. Bald-

win was named in his place. The railroad proposition had not proven acceptable to the company, so a new plan was adopted. By this plan the city was to bond itself for $75,000, one-tenth to be paid in twenty years and one tenth each succeeding year until paid, the rale of interest to be six per cent. It was also proposed that $10,000 be raised for a depot in the same manner. The road was to be completed and ears running from St. Paul to Winona through Red Wing before 1871. This year the "Nellie Sheldon" sunk and the city expended a considerable sum in raising it. h