Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/640

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY pose of purchasing stock of the Red Wing & Trenton Transit Company, which since that date has been an auxiliary of the city council. Some of. the city bonds were this year paid and de- stroyed. The receipts from all sources this year were $32,926.08, while the expenses, including the redemption of bonds, were $37,928.24. The members of the Red Wing & Trenton Transit Company this year approved by the city council were: T. K. Simmons. T. B. Sheldon, Jesse Rtelntire, D. C. Hill, E. L. Baker and C. Cogel. . 1878-79 — The city was divided into four wards and two alder- men elected from <-m <li ward, four to serve one term and four to serve two terms. The officers were: Mayor. J. M. Hodgman; recorder, Phil. Skillman ; attorney, Frank M. Wilson; treasurer, A. Y. Pratt; constable, Stiles Raymond; assessor, Fred Joss; marshal, l);ivi<l Kemp: streel commissioner and health officer-, V. V. DeKay; councilmen, T. K. Simmons and M. Kappel in the firsl ward, Fred Seebach and John Woodcock in the second ward, Jared Sexton and John Seastrand in the third ward. Jesse Mcln- tire and X. 0. Werner in the fourth ward. The first named coun- cilman in each ward was elected for the term of two years. Will- iam Llewellyn was pamed as sexton of the cemetery. On April 27 of this year the bonds of the city were officially delivered to the Firsl National Hank for the benefil of the Red Wing & Tren- ton Transit Company. A committee was appointed to tender a reception to Presidenl Hayes on Sept. 9. The fire officers this year were: Chief engineer, l». C. Stephens; firsl assistant. J. S. Schroeder; second assistant, Swante Anderson; secretary. Tarns Bixby; treasurer, T. J. (lark. William Danford was appointed city engineer. The .Minnesota Central railroad appeared before the board and asked bonds to the amount of $50,000 for assistance in constructing a line to Mankato via Cannon Falls. The matter was referred to a special meeting of the voters. 1879-80 — 1. M. Hodgman succeeded himself as mayor and the four new aldermen were: M. Kappel, John Woodcock. A. See- back and X. 0. Werner. Philip Skillman was recorder, O. L. Westergaard constable. Christopher Graham and C. Phillips jus- tices. T. B. Sheldon street commissioner, John Seastrand mar- shal and health officer, and F. 'M. Wilson attorney. On May 13, 1879. a vote was taken on the matter of issuing $50,000 bonds for assisting in the constructing of a railroad from Red Wing to Mankato via Cannon Falls. The vote was 682 to 128, making a majority of 554 in favor of the proposition. It might here be noted, however, that the bonds under this vote were never issued. A few years later bonds were again voted for the same purpose and resulted in the building of the line. License this year was