Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/673

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNT1 591 carrying out oi' the plans consisted of Aldermen C. E. Friedrieh, J. ('. Seebach and Q. A. Carlson. The hoard under whom the bridge was completed and opened consisted of Mayor A. P. Pierce, City Clerk W. E. Taylor and Aldermen E. 11. Druse, Wil- liam Hendel, II. L. McKinstry, 1). 11. Tandy, Ed Johnson, C. A. Erickson, J P. Patterson, E. 11. Hoard and B. F. Seiz. ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS. The Red Wing Manufacturers' Association was organized April 25, 1900, in the office of Charles A. Betcher, who was the principal advocate of its formation. Those present at the orig- inal meeting were .John II. Rich, P. Jorgenson, D. M. Neill, B. Gerlach, E. H. Blodgett and C. A. Betcher. The first officers were: President, C. A. Betcher; vice-president. 1 Jorgenson; secretary, C. E. Sheldon ; treasurer, B. Gerlach. At present there are about twenty-five members representing practically all the manufacturing interests of Red Wing. The present officers are: President, C. S. Sultzer ; vice-president, E. II. Foot ; secretary, Hiram Howe; treasurer, William Weiss. The object of the asso- ciation is the promotion of the manufacturing interests of Red Wing and the exploitation of the city in general. The Red Wing Yacht Club was organized July 20, 1903, with about eighty boats represented. The first commodore was A. F. Anderson. His successors have been : C. H. Boxrud, J. H. Rich. ( !. E. Sheldon, Dr. M. W. Smith and Walter Sheldon. The present officers are : Commodore, Walter Sheldon ; vice commo- dore, B. A. Herrick; secretary, M. E. Chamberlain; treasurer, E. C. Erb; fleet captain, W. A. Scott; directors, L. Penfold, M. W. Smith and J. Reichert. In 1905 the club built a landing float at a cost of $200. This was wrecked in 1908 and a new float was at once built at a cost slightly in excess of the original one. The club is in a prosperous condition and has done much to encour- age aquatic sport in Red Wing and vicinity. The Red Wing Commercial Club has had an important part in the civic and business improvements of the city. Its social side has brought the business men of the city in closer touch with each other, while its more serious side has had much to do with every public movement of any consequence since its organization. After the organization the stone house at the corner of Fourth and Fulton streets was leased for a period of three years. The club then moved to the upper floor of the Gladstone block and there remained until January, 1905, when the present beautiful quarters on the fourth floor of the Goodhue County National