Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/690

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606 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY ter and J. T. Veeder. At the election the following officers were named: Post commander, L. A. Hancock; senior vice commander, J. T. Veeder; junior vice commander, D. B. Scofield; officer of the day, A. W. Orser; officer of the guard, J. C. Hawes ; surgeon, W. W. DeKay ; quartermaster, H. P. Mclntire. Among the early commanders were: L. A. Hancock. 1884 to 1886; AY. V. DeKay, 1887, resigning in September of that year. L. A. Hancock being elected to fill the vacancy; A. V. Orser, 1889, 1890, 1891; A. F. Graves, 1892; W. H. Blaker, 1893, 1894; Charles L. Davis, 1895, 1896 ; J. C. Hawes, 1897 ; F. Seebach, 1898 ; C. A. Erickson, 1899. Meetings of the post are held the first AYcdnesday of each month at 1 p. m. in Fraternity Hall. The present officers are: Com- mander, J. E. Smith; senior vice commander, F. A. Carlson; junior vice commander, J. C. Johnson; adjutant. ('. E. Rowlen ; quartermaster, Charles A. Erickson. A. E. Welch Post, No. 9, W. R. C, was organized April 11, L887. The first officers were: President. Airs. E. S. AVright ; senior vice president, Mrs. Matilda Graves; junior vice president, .Mrs. Alelphia Jones; secretary, Sarah E. Hasler; treasurer, Lucy Norton; chaplain. Charlotte Bolles; conductress, Agnes C. Davis; assistant conductress. Alary Druse; guard, Lela Allyn; assistant guard, Mary Barrows. There were thirty-nine charter members. The present officers are: President, Airs. Rose Heiserman; senior vice president, Airs. Melissa Hardy; junior vice president. Airs. Gunda Henning; secretary, Mrs. Nellie I. Cook: treasurer. Airs. Sarah E. Hasler; chaplain. Mrs. Matilda Graves; conductress, Dora Alaetzold: assistant conductress. Airs. Dora Roland; guard, Airs. Lou Hawkins: assistant guard. Airs. Alary Afalloy; organist, Mi's. Alelphia Jones; patriotic instructress, Signild Carlson; press correspondent. Airs. .Julia P. Nelson; color bearers — First, Nettie White; second, Lucy Phillips; third, Lena Gates; fourth, Eliza- beth Thompson. The corps numbers 113 members. Colville Camp, No. 33, S. of V., was organized October 30, 1904, with the following charter members : John Hempftling, Thomas Heiserman, W. W. DeKay, J. H. Boustead, C. S. Sultzer, Elmer Hempftling, Ferd Johnson, Frank Johnson, Ike Allen, F. AI. Wilson, E. B. Oakey, J. C. Kruger, Otto Remmler, C. L. Jones, C. AY. Barber, Fred Seebach, Sr. The first officers were: Cap- tain, John Hempftling; first lieutenant, J. C. Kruger; second lieutenant, Ferd Johnson ; chaplain. J. H. Boustead ; first sergeant. Elmer Hempftling ; quartermaster sergeant, Thomas Heiserman color guard, J. H. Boustead ; sergeant of the guard, C. S. Sultzer corporal of the guard, C. L. Jones ; picket guard, E. B. Oakey camp council, C. W. Barber, J. H. Boustead, C. S. Sultzer; rep- resentatives to state encampment, C. S. Sultzer, J. H. Boustead, J. 0. Kruger. The present officers are: Commander. S. T. Irvine;