Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/738

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642 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY residence in Ked Wing he was identified -with almost every pub- lic measure pertaining to its growth and prosperity. He steadily pushed ahead and saw his efforts crowned with success. He was a cautious but energetic business man. of fine executive ability and thoroughly at home in the intricate details of the various branches of business that demanded his attention. In his death, July 6, 1903, Ked Wing lost one of her ablest and most prominent citizens. In 1856 Charles Betcher was married at Pultneyville. X. Y.. to Margaret Gothrup, a native of New York state. She came to Red Wing with her husband and now occu- pies the beautiful Betcher mansion at the head of Fourth street. In 1907 she erected at the entrance of Oakwood cemetery the Charles Betcher Memorial Chapel, a beautiful and enduring tribute to her husband's memory. Charles E. Betcher is the third of his name to become identi- fied with Ked AVing business interests, his father and grand- father both having occupied influential positions in the com- munity, the former being deceased and the latter in the prime of his activities. Charles E. was born in Minneapolis, Minn.. March by ]ss»;. only son of Charles A. Betcher, whose sketch appears elsewhere in tins volume. He came to bed AVing with his parents ;il an early age and here received his common school education, later taking a course at Hie Shattuck School, Faribault, from which he graduated with high honors in 1905, In 1905 he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Vale Uni- versity. New Haven. Conn., and graduated in 1907. At once after graduation lie returned to Red Wing and became director, secretary and manager of the Ked Wing Linseed Company, a po- sition he still retains. Mr. Betcher votes the Republican ticket and attends the Fpiseopal Church. The Trout Brook Tannery was organized in 1872 and for a time was in a flourishing condition. In 3880 J. F. Porter, the proprietor, also erected a sorghum mill near the tannery. Recently Mr. Porter has sold out and removed. The old tannery and sorghum mill have been torn down, and the former is being replaced by a tannery nearer town erected by the S. B. Foot Company, which purchased Mr. Porter's interests. Fishing Industry. — Since the earliest days the abundance of fish in the vicinity of Red AYing has provided a livelihood for a number of men, and in pioneer times often saved the settlers from the pangs of hunger. At present a number of families make their living by fishing in this vicinity, the catches being sold to the Bay City Fish Company, of Bay City, Wis. The Red Wing Filter Sand Company was organized by Adolf Gallasch, Sr., who was the first to discover and use for the pur- pose of filtration the silica filter sand contained in the Twin