Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/748

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65? HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY in his retiring editorial, he foresaw a Democratic storm coming in tlic Charleston convention. In the next issue of the "Senti- nel" Phelps appeared as editor. On August 15, 1860, Littlefield dropped out and Maginnis went on alone as publisher, Phelps remaining as editor. At a meeting noted for its patriotism, held April 23, 1861, in Red AVing, a company called the Goodhue Volunteers was organized ami William Colvill was unanimously elected captain and Martin Maginnis first sergeant. The next day the ••Sentinel.** at Vol. 5. No. 39, April 21, 1861, was discon- tinued. Its material was sold to James Parker, and made the

  • basis of the Goodhue "Volunteer," a patriotic paper which did

excellent service for the I nion until it. in turn, died near the close of tin' war. The Red Wing "Republican' was the sixty-second weekly begun in .Minnesota territory, and its firsl issue was dated Sep- temper 4, 1857. with L. F. Hubbard as editor. That its founda- tion, "'Yen in those insecure times, was hnilt deep and strong, is shown by tin fad that it is one .5' the Pew .Minnesota newspapers which survived the trying crises of 1857 and is ye1 in good work- ing order. It started as a four-page, seven-column shed, and it then was and still is Republican in polities. November 20, 1857, F. D. .Meredith, who died some years ago, became associated with L. 1-'. Hubbard, and the firm name was Hubbard & Meredith until October 1. 1858. Then Meredith retired and .Mi-. Hubbard went oj) alone until Augusl 1.!. 1859, when Charles L. Davis joined him and the managers became Hubbard & Davis, the for- mer being the main editor. At that lime the name was changed to the Goodhue County "Republican." Deeendier 1!). 1S61, Mr. Hubbard enlisted in the Fifth Minnesota regimenl and the firm of Hubbard ».y. Davis was dissolved. F. I). Meredith became the proprietor and Mr. Davis the editor and manager. March 28. 1862. tin- ownership and editorial managemenl wenl to C. L. Davis, and Meredith once more retired. Then Davis enlisted in the Tenth Minnesota infantry and. September 19, ls<;2. placed E. A. Lifilefield in charge, who became the editor. At that date the paper was cut to six columns, on accounl of hard times. May 27. 1864, Littlefield turned over the paper to Colonel Colvill. satisfied, as lie said, that there was •"more honor than profit in running a country newspaper." Colvill printed a salutatory tersely characteristic of the hero of Gettysburg. It ran as fol- lows: ""With this issue I take charge of the 'Republican.' Cor- respondence should l>e addressed accordingly. Augusl 26. 1864. the paper wenl hack to the seven-cOlumn issue. Davis still retaining his interest. March 30, 1866. H. K. Parker became editor and part proprietor. August 9, 1867, William 11. Snider bought 1 :W of the paper and December 18. 1868. he bought the remain-