Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/778

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676 EISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY and came to Red Wing. He opened a grocery store, which he successfully conducted several years, later disposing of this busi- ness to take up grain buying and selling. For eight years he served as county commissioner, and in 1888 was appointed post- master by President Harrison. A record of his postal service will be found in the postal history which is included in this volume. In 1902. he was elected county treasurer and is now serving his fourth term with much credit. Mr. Seebach is a Republican in politics, and inaddition to the offices above mentioned has served as town clerk in Wisconsin, and as member of the Red "Wing council. He is a past commander of the local G. A. R. post and a member of the Commercial Club. Mr. Seebach was married July 9, 1868, to Lydia Hernlem, of Racine county, Wisconsin, daughter of Christian and Louise Staugman) Hernlem, the former of whom is dead. The latter is now living in Wisconsin, hale and hearty a1 the good old age of eighty-six years. Eight children have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seebach. Fred is married, lives at Red Wing, and is a clerk in the postoffice. Jacob is also married, lives in Red Wing, and works for the Red Wing Malt- ing Company. Henry is married and lives in St. Paul. John, who is deputy county treasurer, lives at home. Ernest lives at home and clerks in the postoffice. Kimna married H. C. Kohn, a Red Wing merchant. Matilda married Henry Cain and lives in St. Paul. Lulu lives at home. John H. Schacht. of the firm of Adler, Schacht & Co.* one of the Leading retail houses of Red Wing, is a native of Minnesota, born at Potsdam, Olmsted county, March 30, 1871. His parents, Harm Schacht and Anna Brown) Schacht, were natives of Ger- many. The father came to Chicago in 1852. remained there until 1856, then went to Winona, Minn., where he clerked in his father's hotel. In ]<u he went to Potsdam, Greenwood Prairie, Olmsted county, and purchased a farm of 600 acres of what was considered the best land in the county. There he carried on general farming until 1892, when he retired, and moved his family to Rochester, Minn., where his wife died two years later. Hiram Schacht still lives at Rochester and rents his farm to other parties. After finishing the common school course in the schools of his native town, John H. attended the Darling Business College two years. At the age of eighteen he started his business career as a clerk in the hardware store of Vincent Tauschese, at LaCrosse, Wis. He then returned to Rochester and worked with the Stebbins Hardware Company of that place one year. He subsequently clerked in the store of the Boston Clothing Company in the same city one year, and in 1894 came to Red Wing. Here he started in the clothing business at 308 Main street with O. H. Adler as partner. The business at this store continued to grow for the