Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/794

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690 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY iron, copper and brass work for the Red Wing Boat Company. He is a Republican in politics, belongs to the Episcopal Church and affiliates with the United Workmen and the Degree of Honor. For several years he was a member of the volunteer fire department and for eight years served as secretary of Cat- aract Hose Company, of which for several years he was also the captain. Mr. Hickman was married April 24, 1884, at Red Wing, to Hattie Beilfeildt, daughter of Henry and Mary (Spore) Beil- feildt, natives of Germany. Her parents came to America in 1844, locating first at Galena, 111., and then at Brownsville, Minn., where the father was engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe business. He joined the Union army and served several years. After the war he returned to Brownsville and in 1881 came to Red Wing, where he became a wheat buyer for the Diamond Joe jacket line. After several years he retired and went to Zumbro Falls. Minn., where the family still reside. To Mr. and Mrs. Hickman have been born two children. Margaret, born Septem- ber 25, 1888, is now assistant librarian at the Carnegie-Lawther library at Red Wing. Roland 11. was born October 19, 1893. Both children live at home, 903 West Fourth street, this city. John 0. Hanson, proprietor of a successful general store at 340 East Seventh street, Red W T ing, was born in Sweden, May 15, 1855, son of John Gustave and Christine (Anderson) Hanson, who came to Red Wing in 1866, from Jankoping, Sweden. The father followed his trade as carpenter until 1879, when he went to Welch township, purchased 140 acres of land and did a gen- eral line of farming, combined with carpenter work and contract- ing. He built his own home. and barns, and also erected many of the buildings in the neighborhood. John Hanson died October 18, 1908, and his wife March 18, 1904, at the age of eighty-five years. There were two children in the family besides John O. They are both living in Welch, Oliver being a farmer and his sister Christine, now Mrs. Hagander, is the wife of a farmer. John O. was sent to the public schools in Sweden, and after com- ing to Red Wing with his parents at the age of eleven years, at- tended the Red Wing schools until fourteen years of age, when he entered the employ of D. C. Hill. Subsequently he clerked two years in a shoe store, and later entered into business for him- self with a partner, the firm name being Hanson & Peterson. After four years in this company he sold out. and entered the employ of the Belanger Brothers, dry goods merchants, as a clerk. His record with this company consisted of faithful service for a period of sixteen years. In 1901 he had saved sufficient money to warrant his starting in business for himself. Since that time he has successfully conducted his present store. He owns his store building and a comfortable home, together