Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/804

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G98 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY which he purchased. He continues to own the farm. During the days of his activity he was chairman and assessor of the township of Belvidere, and since removing to Red Wing has served one term as a member of the city council. He also has a military record. At the last call for volunteers, he enlisted in the Union army, in January, 1864, under Captain Carney and Colonel Col- vill. He was mustered in at Nashville, Tenn., as a corporal in Company I, First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, and did garrison duty at Chattanooga. Tenn.. until mustered out at Nashville, Tenn.. in September, 1865. He is a Democrat in polities, and be- longs to the Lutheran Church. Mr. Johnson was married May 6, 1870, at Belvidere. to Christina Amundson, of that township, daughter of Christ and Regnaa (Simonson) Amundson, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1861 and located in Belvi- dere, where both ended their days. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been born six children — Charles, born in 1870. died in 1887; Clara married Andrew Anderson, of ■ Goodhue township, this county; Alma married Austin Everson, of Mazeppa, Minn.: Han- nah married John Otterson, now deceased, and lives with her parents; tnga and ( larence also live at home. William Thomas Llewellyn, Led Wing, carpenter and con- tractor, now deceased, was born in Wales. England, May 22, L833, son of John and Mary Elizabeth (Beavers) Llewellyn, who spent the entire span of their years in thai locality. William T. received his early education and grew to young manhood in his native town, also working in early youth ;is a carpenter. After coming to this country he lived in New York city and Cleveland, (>.. until the outbreak of the Civil War ; when he placed his life at the command of his adopted country. He enlisted in Company < '. First Ohio Light Artillery (Ohio Battery), for three months, under Captain Pelton, being mustered ou1 July 27, 1861, at Columbus, O. He re-enlisted for three years' service under Cap- tain Louis Heekman. in Company K, First Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. September 15, 1861, and was mustered out September 12. 1864. at Nashville, having 1 n promoted to the position of sergeanl under Captain William Eckles. He participated in all the battles of his regiment, and acquitted himself as a brave and efficient soldier on all occasions. His brother. John, met his death in the bloody carnage in the Shenandoah Valley, having been a private in Co. A.. 14th New .jersey Vol. Inf.. First Brigade. Third Division, Army of the Potomac. He is buried in Grave 1133 at the Arlington National Cemetery. After the war. "William T. came to Red AVing and worked at his trade as carpenter, also doing general contracting. For fourteen years he was employed with the firm of Daniels and Stevens, ,-is foreman on a number of important contracts, and was in charge of the wood work of the