Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/837

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IIISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 729 chairs. Mr. Hjermstad was married June 16, 1891, to Stella L. Webster, daughter of Mino l>. Webster, of Burlington, la., super- intendent of the Burlington car shops at Leffler, la., for twenty- six years. The father died in January, 1899, and the mother February 18, 1903. Mr. and Mrs. Hjermstad have been blessed with a son and daughter, Harry M., born September 13, 1892, and Mariae M., born August 13, 1895. The family worships at the English Lutheran Church. Aaron Carlson was born in Sweden. June 28, 1850, and came with his parents to America in 18.~>4 and located in Minnesota, where they took up a homestead of 160 acres in Vasa township, which they broke and prepared for cultivation. They followed general farming until 1873, when they retired and moved to Red Wing, where in February, 1880. the father was killed by a falling tree. The mother died in February. 1906. Aaron Carlson received his education in the schools of Yasa township, and later attended Hamlin University at Eed Wing; After finishing his studies he took up farming on his father's farm in Featherstone, which he conducted for six years. In 1879 he went to Trimbelle, Wis., and operated a saw mill for three years. In 1882 he re- turned to the old farm in Featherstone township, and engaged in general farming, dairying and stock raising. He has 160 acres of land under cultivation and ten acres of good timber in Burnside township. He has made a great many improvements of the place and has a fine home. His farm is located nine and a half miles from Red Wing. Mr. Carlson was married in 1873 to Carrie Ernberg, daughter of Jonas and Sarah (Bush) Ernberg, natives of Sweden. They came to this country in the early days and settled in Vasa township in 1869, where they engaged in farming. The father died in 1902. the mother having passed away in 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson have six children — Augusta. a teacher at the Yasa Orphans' Home; Emily married Victor Lar- son, a farmer of Vasa: Archie E., now in Chicago, is with Rie- bault & Co.; Harry lives at home; Mabel married Alfred Carleen of St. Paul, and Frances, who teaches in the public schools of Anoka, Minn. Mr. Carlson is an independent voter. He has served on the town board for two years, as chairman. He and his family are members of the Swedish Lutheran Church of Yasa. Hon. William W. Phelps was born in Oakland comity. Michi- gan, in the year 1822; graduated at the university of his native state; practiced law several years, being partner in the law of- fice of General Stevens; was married in 1849 to Sarah B. Mann. He was elected a member of the legislature of the state of Michi- gan, and while a member of that body was appointed by President Pierce register of the land office winch was soon to be opened at Red Winy-. Minn. This appointment was obtained through the