Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/847

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY 737 known citizens, the father dying in January, 1857, and the mother .March 19, 1883. After receiving his boyhood education in the schools of his native land, Charles A. came to America with his parents, and for a short time attended the Red Wing schools, afterward engaging in various work until the outbreak of the Civil War. March 25, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, Fifth .Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, for three years. The record of this company and regiment will be found elsewdiere in this history. The company muster-out roll contains the following: "Private Charles A. Erickson, wounded in the battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 1864. His descriptive roll on file at the adjutant general's office states that he was in all the campaigns with his regiment from the first skirmish at Corinth, Miss., May 25. 1863, until the battle of Nashville. Tenn., December 15, 1864, the regi- ment during that time having marched seven or eight thousand miles and participated in more than twenty engagements with the enemy. He has always been a faithful soldier." This tribute was signed by Hawley. chief assistant mustering officer. Pri- vate Erickson was discharged from service March 27, 1864, at Alexandria, La., and re-enlisted the next day. serving until the close of the war, when he received his honorable discharge, Sep- tember 6, 1865, at Demopolis, Ala. Returning to Red Wing, he took a three years' course in Hamline University, and then stud- ied law for one year. For a time thereafter he clerked in the hardware store of C. Betcher & Co.. and in 1873 opened a small shop for the manufacture of sleighs, wagons, and the like. Since that date he has continued in the same business, enjoying a constantly increasing trade, employing continuously a fopce of from six to ten men. He purchased his present property on Main street in 1878, and has several times remodeled the place to suit the convenience of his business. In addition to this property he owns a pleasant home at 415 Bluff street, all his possessions being the result of his perseverance and industry. For four years he was a member of the city council and one year served as presi- dent of that body. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Scandinavian Relief Association and A. E. Welch Post, No. 75, G. A. R. Charles A. Erickson was married at Red Wing, July 6, 1873, to Augusta Albertina Foss, a native of Sweden, born October 4, 1852, who came to America with her parents, Charles J. and Charlotte C. (Erickson) Foss, in 1854. They located at Geneva, 111., until 1856, then came to Goodhue township, this county, and located on a farm. The mother died there March 19, 1883, and the father brought his family to Red Wing, w r here he died May 19, 1907. To Mr. and Mrs. Erickson have been born eight children. Hilma S., born May 5, 1874, married C. A. K. Johnson, postal clerk in the Red Wing post office. Wilhelmina C,