Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/868

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756 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY and remained twelve years. After a residence of some years in Michigan he came to Red "Wing and in 1865 purchased 160 acres in the township of Zumbrota, where he farmed for a considerable period of time. Later he sold his farm and purchased a home in Zumbrota village, where he moved his family. In this home he died in 1882, his widow surviving until the spring of 1890, when she. too, passed to the Great Beyond. Joseph received his edu- cation in the public schools of England and Canada and farmed in the Dominion until 1862. Subsequently he engaged in lumber- ing in Michigan until 1864. when he purchased eighty acres in Red Wing, where he followed farming until 1879. For the eighteen years following he engaged in the farm implement business with A. P. MerrelL at the corner of Main and Plum streets, enjoying a large trade and prosperous career. In 1897 he retired, but in 1900, desiring out-of-door employment, he ob- tained a position as rural mail carrier, in which capacity he still serves, being noted for his accommodating spirit and rigid ad- herence to duty. He is an independent voter, and belongs to the Odd Fellows. Mr. Drew was married on May day. 1860, to Maria Johnstone, a Canadian by birth, daughter of Thomas and Delia (Taylor) Johnstone, the former born in Yorkshire. England, and the latter in New Brunswick, Canada. The father devoted his life to farming, dying in 1873. The mother died in 1890. .Mrs Drew had three sisters and three brothers, all except one sister being alive. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Drew was gladdened by the birth of four children. .Maria I)., born February 6, 1861. is the wife of Dr. W. ML. Sweney, of this place. James H., born August 15, L862, resides in Red Wing, where he is a locomo- tive engineer. Catherine E.. born February 18. 1865. died Oc- tober 9, 1866. the following year. Bertha May. born .May 1. 1868, on the anniversary of her parents' marriage, is the wife of Henry E. Ilindman. also of Red Wing. Andrew M. Dahl, stone mason and contractor, of Red Wing, was born in Sweden. March 8. 1844. His parents, Magnus and Mary (Larson) Dahl. were farmers in the old country, the father dying in 1889 and the mother in 1894. In the family, aside from Andrew M.. were two brothers and one sister, Henry M., Johanus and Marstina. all living in Sweden. In that country Andrew M. received his boyhood education, after which he worked as a farmer. Upon his arrival in Red Wing he took up the trade of stone mason, which he learned thoroughly. Since that time he has continued in the same occupation, doing all kinds of stone work and contracting. In this he has been succesful. He is a re- spected, law-abiding citizen, well regarded by his friends. For six years he was sexton in the Swedish Lutheran Church, of which the family are members. He also belongs to the Scandinavian