Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/879

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HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTS 763 spotless private life and inspiring public career. .Mr. Blanchard was a New Englander, born at St. Johnsbury, Vt.. August 16, 1825, son of an old New England family. He attended the district schools of the Green Mountain state, and in early manhood be- came a shoemaker, which trade he thoroughly mastered as a youth. In 1857 he came to Zumbrota, then in the first days of its settlement, and like the other pioneers set to work at breaking the land and making for himself a home. After three years, when the face of the wilderness had taken on the aspects of a habitation of man, he again resumed the shoemaking business, Avhich he followed several years, still continuing farming also. He and I. C. Stearns then saw the opportunity for a retail boot and shoe establishment, which, in partnership, they accordingly opened and conducted many years. In 1875 he was appointed postmaster and the office was removed to his shoe store from the store of T. P. Kellet. Mr. Blanchard retained this position until 1887, when he was elected justice of the peace, serving until 1906, when he retired. He served as president of the village council, and as a member of the school board. Until the time of his death he was a member of the library board, in which position he is now succeeded by his daughter, Mrs. G. P. Murphy — a tribute to the respect in which his memory is held and also to her own ability. The Republican platform embodied his political faith, and he was a devout member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Blanchard died August 29. 1908. He was married Septem- ber 27, 1849, at Orford, N. H., to Alavoisa Palmer, wdio proved a most loving and faithful helpmeet throughout their lives, He preceded her to the grave a few months, dying April 19, 1909. To Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard w r ere born five children, all of whom, with the exception of one who died in infancy, were given the advantages of an excellent education. Edwin K., born February 16, 1854, graduated from Dartmouth, class of 1878, and is now a civil engineer at Seymour. Minn. Charles H., born in 1856, died the following year. Arthur P., born June 25, 1862, attended the village schools, took a two years' course at Carleton College, read law with his uncle. Judge Charles Blanchard, and is now an attorney at Little Falls. Minn. Caroline M. was born September 8, 1864, attended the schools of her neighborhood, studied at the State University two years, taught school successfully at Zumbrota six years, and is now Mrs. A. E. Drew, of Mcllenry, X. D. Mary L., born September 28, 1865. received the best edu- cation that Zumbrota afforded and graduated from the State ('Diversity in 1888. She was a teacher of languages in the high schools of Minnesota for eight years, her longesl term being with the high school at Minneapolis, where she taught German and