Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/886

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766 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY in 18-48 from New York state to Fond du Lac county, "Wis., and spent the remainder of their days on a farm. Henry M. attended the schools of his native county, and also received a part of his education in Wisconsin, to which state he removed with his parents at the age of seventeen years. After leaving school he remained at home, taking charge of his father's farm until 1857. From that date is reckoned his career in Goodhue county. He purchased 160 acres in Pine Island township, about one inih; from Zumbrota village, and had subdued the wild acres to a profitable degree of cultivation when the Civil War broke out. Responding to the call of his country, he enlisted in *1862 in Company B, Thirty-second "Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. After being mustered out and honorably dis- charged he returned to his farm, there remaining until 1901, when he sold the place to his son and removed to Zumbrota village, where he has since lived a retired life. During his more active days he served as road overseer and school clerk of his district in Pine Island township; and in Scofield Post. No. 121, G. A. R.. he has held all the offices, now serving his twelfth term as chap- lain. He was married January 80. 1853. to Mary A. Scofield, who died at the family residence in Pine Island, April "2, 1861. To this union three children were born. Ella M., born April 8, 1855, is now Mrs. Ella M. Shedd, a widow living in California. George H., born May 5. 1857, died March 29, 1886. AVilliam F., born September 2, 1850, lives in South Dakota. On January 30, 1866, at Rosendale. Wis.. Mr. Scofield married Jane C. Murray, daugh- ter of George and Margaret (Ramsey) Murray. Her parents mi- grated from Prince Edward's Island, Canada, to Illinois, in 1844. and moved to Wisconsin in 1 ^54. The father was born June 30, 1791, and died November 30. 1855, while the latter was born March 17, 1899. Mrs. Scofield was born at Prince Edward's Island. July 28, 1835. She has borne to Henry M. Scofield five children. Edward H., born April 12, 1867, is an electrical en- gineer in St. Paul. Margaret A., born June 17, 1870, is a dress- maker living at home. Lewis M.. born November 2, 1873, farms on the old homestead. Carrie L.. born July 18, 1876, is now Mrs.- Skillman, a widow residing in Zumbrota. Frank M., born Jan- uary 18, 1878, died April 3, 1899. The Congregational faith is the religious belief of the family. Andrew S. Lexvold, retired farmer of Zumbrota village, was born in Norway. November 9. 1829, received his education in the schools of his native place and engaged in farming there until coming to America in 1866. Upon his arrival here he located in Minneola township, where he purchased eighty acres of timber land, which he cleared, and upon which he made all the improve- ments, erecting a comfortable home and other necessary buildings,