Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/890

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770 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY of Zumbrota. Ida J., born February 24, 1881, is now Mrs. Anton Johnson, of Zumbrota. Mr. "Weiss, together with R. 0. Lund, were the prime movers in founding the State Bank, and Mr. Weiss has been a director ever since. He is also a director in the Security State Bank. Henry E. Weiss, treasurer of the Zumbrota village school board and cashier of the Security State Bank, of Zumbrota, is a native of this county, born in Minneola township. November 19, 1878, son of Henry J. and Mary (Starz) Weiss, well known farmers of that township. He received his education in the dis- trict schools of Minneola, the public schools of Zumbrota, and the Red Wing Business ( 'ollege. At once after completing a course in the latter institution he entered the Security State Bank, in 1897, as bookkeeper. In 1899 he was made assistant cashier and in 1902 was promoted to his present position. He is an ardent supporter of the Republican party and has served the village three years as recorder and three years as treasurer. He belongs to the English Lutheran Church and affiliates with the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Elks. Mr. Weiss was married November 5, 1902, to Winifred Tucker, daughter of Richmond and Cornelia Tucker, farmers and fruit raisers of Kasson, Minn. This union has been blessed with one child. Marion, born May 29, 1904, who is the idol of the household. Anton J. Rockne, of Zumbrota village, the distinguished speaker of the Minnesota house of representatives, is of Minne- sota birth, his natal place being in Earmony township, Fillmore county, and the date of his birth December 1!). 1868. His parents were Michael and Anna < Aniundson Rockne. The father left Norway in 184!). and located in Illinois, where he farmed two years. In Wisconsin and South Dakota he also lived for a time, and was married in 1865. After coming to Minnesota he pur- chased 160 acres in the town where young Anton was born, and continued genera] farming. The home place is now managed by Michael Rockne and his brother. Anton's early youth was spent on the home farm, and his primary education received in the schools of the neighborhood. His classical and academic training was obtained at the Deeorah Institute. Decora h, la. He then spent an interim in teaching school, subsequent to which he en- tered the law department of the Minnesota State University, from which he graduated in 1894, being admitted to the bar June 7 of the same year. A few months later he came to Zumbrota and opened up an office. His success was instantaneous and in this profession he has since continued. He at once took an active interest in politics, and in 1902 was elected to the legislature, being re-elected successively in 1904. 1906 and 1908. His elo-