Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/913

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HISTOKY OK GOODHUE (<M TY 787 many, respectively. The father, who was a contractor and stone- cutter, died December 25, 1859, and the mother November 2-1. L891. Frank W. received his education in New York, after which he followed farming until 1*72, when he came wesl and for one year worked on the government survey of the Red River valley. In is?-'! he came to Zumbrota and engaged in carpenter work and contracting, which he has since followed. Mr. Fulkerson was mar- ried February 2. 1878, to Viola Dickerson, daughter of A. J. and Hannah (Cooledge) Dickerson, the former of whom died in 1900 and the latter in 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Fulkerson arc the parents of six children: Robert L., born February 13, 1879, is with C. A. Zimmerman, of St. Paul; Harold E., born February 7, 1881, is with the Southern Pacific railroad at Oregon; Jay E., born Au- gusl 29, 1885, graduate of the Minnesota University, is with the Cascade Lumber Company, of Washington state; Ruth E., born October 28, 1886, lives at home; Floyd F.. born January 2, 1889, lives in North Dakota: Lois F., born December K), 1890, lives at home. Politically. Mr. Fulkerson is an independent Republican, belongs to the Masons, the Modern Woodmen and the Modern Brotherhood. A sincere believer in education, he has given his children the advantage of a thorough school training. The fam- ily worships at the Congregational church. Lars J. Henning, of Zumbrota village, was horn in Holden township. April 21, 1876, son of Peter and Gjertru Henning, both natives of Norway. They came to America many years ago, and the father engaged for a time in teaching school. He was after- wards chosen manager for the Farmers' Co-operative Store, known as "Dovre Handels Forening," a position he held for seven years. He then purchased his present store at Aspelund, where he is still engaged in the general mercantile business. Lars received his education in the public schools at Aspelund, in the Zumbrota high school, and later at the Red AVing Business College. In 1896 he became a silent partner of 0. N. Berg in the mercantile business, which partnership continued until 1900, when the firm's name was changed to Berg & Henning. In 1902 Mr. Henning purchased Mr. Berg's interest and has since continued the business alone, being very successful and making a specialty of handling poultry and farm produce. He also takes an active interest in the promotion of poultry raising throughout the coun- try. Mr. Henning was married June 25, 1903, at Zumbrota, to Gjerstine Svee. This union has been blessed with three children : Hulda, born June 6, 1904 ; Palma, born September 4, 1907, and Leslie, born July 11, 1909. Mr. Henning is a Republican in poli- t Lcs, and a member of the Modern Samaritans and Modern Wood- men of America, in both of which organizations he has held sev- eral offices.