Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/942

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806 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Haasze, natives of New York state, who came west in 1862, lo- cating in Olmstead county and engaging in farming on eighty acres. Both parents are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell have had two children : Emery L., now of Shoshone, AVyom., where he is a physician, having graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1903, and Scott AY., recently of Shoshone, who was in the drug business, being a graduate of the University of Minnesota of the class of 1903 and also of Drew College. He was accidentally shot and died in Shoshone. June 2, 1909. In his politics, Mr. Jewell is a Republican. He has served as town treasurer one term, and has held the state depository of the county for a number of years. He is also a member of the Ma- sonic order; has stood at the head of the local lodge for a number of years and is now its treasurer. ^ Moses Jewell, one of the early pioneers of this county, settled in Pine Island in May. 1855. His oldest son, S. C. Jewell, also accompanied him and located on his farm adjoining the village, where he now resides. The following spring Mr. Jewell moved his family from Dane county. AVisconsin. He had five children: Sarah, now Mrs. A. B. Cron : Eliza, now Mrs. II. Tome; Fenn, now of Pine Island; W. AY. now of Pine Island; and Nye, deceased. Moses Jewell died January !•. 1888; Martha, his wife, died August 3, 1900. The family faith is that of the Episcopal church. Loomis F. Irish, president of the Slate Bank of Pine Island, was born in New York state, January 15, 1856, son of Joseph and Evelyn (Newton) Irish, natives of New York, who in 1865 came west to Minnesota, locating at Rochester, where the father engaged in farming and also ran a distillery. In 1867 he moved with his family to Goodhue eounty, and engaged in farming for one year, after which he went to Dodge county, remaining five years, also spending five years in Olmstead county. In 1878 they came to Pine Island, where the mother died the same year. The father died in 1900. They had a family of five children: Loomis, the subject of this sketch; Augustus, Julia, Rush (deceased), and Riley. Loomis F. received his education in the public schools of Dodge eounty. For ten years he manufactured brick and also operated the Pine Island roller mill, which he built in 1899. He built the first block in the village in 1895. The block known as the Opera House Block is a model of beauty and usefulness. In 1882 he established a private bank, which he conducted for twenty-four years. In 1907 this bank was incorporated as the State Bank of Pine Island. Mr. Irish was married in 1877 to Lura S. Hawkins, daughter of J. F. and Mahalia (Phelps) Haw- kins, natives of Canada and AVisconsin, the former of whom was a brickmason by trade. They came to Pine Island in 1862 and both are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Irish have had five chil-