Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/958

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820 EISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Carl 0. Ring", of Minneola township, son of Andrew and Christina King, was born in Sweden. January 8, 1866. His par- ents were natives of Sweden, and followed farming until the death of the father. August 12, 1901. The mother still lives in Sweden at the age of eighty-seven years. Carl 0. King received his education in the common schools of the country, and worked at farming until May, 1885. when he emigrated to America. coming direct to Minnesota., and settling in Minneola township, where he was employed with the farmers until in 1891. He then rented 290 acres of land and engaged in farming for himself, carrying on general farming and stock raising. In 1899 he pur- chased 290 acres of this farm, which is all under cultivation. He was married December 8, 1891, to Louisa Swenson, daughter of John and Christina Swenson. natives of Sweden, who came to America in 1852. locating in Rockford, 111., where they remained until 1855. Then they came to Minnesota and took up a claim, consisting of 160 acres of wild land in Minneola township, which they broke and prepared for cultivation, carrying on a general and diversified line of farming. He retired from farming in 1891, and died May 4. 1909. The mother died August 14, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. King have three children— Mabel E., born October 25, 1892; John R. A., born August 14. 1895, and Melvin L., born April 21, 1905. John Starz was horn in Minneola, in which township he still lives. August 22. 1864, son of Jacob J. Starz. He attended the public schools of Minneola and Zumbrota, and after finishing his education purchased 160 aeres of land, on which he erected a house and built a good barn and outbuildings. He also made many other improvements, carrying on a general line of farming and raising horses and cattle. April 17. isss. Mr. Starz was mar- ried to Amelia Kalass, daughter of Christian and Sophia (Grond- wold) Kalass. natives of Germany, who emigrated to America and settled in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Starz have three children— Rosina A., born January 23, 1889; Luella M., born May 20, 1893, and Harry, born June 30, 1895. The subject of this sketch is Republican in politics, and a representative man, taking great interest in the local affairs of his town. He has served as town treasurer, for the past thirteen years, as clerk of the school board for the past seven years, and also as road master and road overseer. Edward H. Starz, of Minneola, was born in the township September 28, 1866, son of Jacob J. Starz. He received his education in the schools of his neighborhood, and then took up farming with his father until twenty-four years of age, when he purchased the home farm and added 160 acres. He now owns 320 acres, which he has developed into an up-to-date, well-kept farm.