Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/962

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824 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Hogen G. Romo, Minneola, was born in Minneola township, October 16, 1869, son of Guilder. O. and Anne (Trelstad) Romo, of Norway. They emigrated to America in 1st!."), and coming to Minneola township, purchased in section 20 eighty acres of land. which they broke and improved, following general farming until l s 77. Returning to Norway, they remained until 1884, then came hack to America, buying L20 acres in section 32, continuing general farming until 1896, when tiny retired from active life. The father died November 29, 1903, and the mother still lives with her son. Hogen <i. firsl look up agriculture with his father until,1896, when he came into tin' possession of the old home- stead, which he has since continued to farm, building upon it, in 1903 ;i new home. Mr. Romo was married February 10. 1897, to Julia •!.. daughter of John and Johannah Johnson, natives of Norway. They came to America, Locating in Wisconsin, and in 1877. at Steele county. Minn., following agriculture for fourteen years, after which they moved to Webster, Rice county, .Minne- sota, where they fanned ami are still residing. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Romo are: John < >.. horn November 26, L897; Alice .).. born Augusl 15, 1899; Harry -I.. born October 5, 1901, and Edwin P.. horn March Hi. 1905. Mr. Romo is a Prohibitionist ami attends the Lutheran Church, lb' is now school clerk of district 160 and is well thoughl of by all who know him. John E. Swenson, Minneola. was born on section 27 in Minne- ola township. October 14. 1871. His father and mother. Frick and Susanna (Engebretson Swenson. were natives of Norway, emigrating to America in the year L852 and settling firsl in Rock Prairie. III. Here they remained for three years and in 1855 moved to .Minneola township, where the father purchased 230 acres of wild land, which he broke, and soon had the greater part under cultivation. On this farm he has since continued to Live. John E. received his education in the public schools of Minneola. and after finishing Ins studies, continued to remain at home. In 1894 he took entire charge of the farm, improving it. and erecting many new buildings. He is now considered one of the successful farmers of the township. lie was married June 6, 1894. at Land's Church, of Minneola, to Borgel Ronningen, daughter of OR and Gurie Loken) Ronningen. natives of Nor- way, hut now prominent farmers in Wanamingo township. John E. Swenson is a Republican in his political views and he and his wife attend the Lutheran < ihurch. He has always taken an inter- est in the local affairs of Minneola and has been road overseer for the past two years. Gunder H. Gunderson, of Minneola. was born in Norway Oc- tober o. 1858, a son of Hemming and Beret (Gunderson) Meehle, who came to America in 1872. sett line- u section 16, Minneola