Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/970

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832 . HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY terested in the Farmer's Elevators of Kenyon and Bombay. 'The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church. J. A. Barsness, was born on the farm in Cherry Grove town- ship where he now resides. September 6, 1863, son of A. J. and Gertrude Maria (Skaar) Barsness, natives of Norway. The father came to America in 1854 and located in Chicago, where he was employed in a shingle mill and in the pinery until 1858 when he came to Cherry Grove township and purchased 120 acres of land. Here he built a home and other buildings, and improved his land, carrying on general farming, extensive dairy- ing, and stock raising, now having 300 acres under cultivation. In November, 1862, he married Gertrude Maria Skaar, daughter of Johannes and Martha (Heltne) Skaar, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1856 and Located in Wisconsin, remain- ing a year, after which they came to Wanamingo township, bought 160 acres of land and built ;i home, barn and other out- buildings. Later they bougb.1 80 acres more in the same town- ship making a farm of 240 acres on which they carried on general farming until the death of the father in 1896, the mother having passed away in 1882. There were six children in the Barsness home: J. A., who manages the farm; Martha, married to Olaf Hoff, now of Spokane, Wash.; Maria, married to Ole P. Holman of Minneapolis; Johanna, married to NTels Severson, now of Spokane. Wash.: Lena, who lives at home; and Fred, of Wash- ington, J. A. Barsness received his education in the public schools of Cherry Grove and Zumbrota and in the Red Wing Seminary. After leaving school he worked with his father on the farm and later became interested in the creamery and flour mill at Brand- on, Douglass county. In 1898 he returned home and took charge of the homestead, lie has never married. Mr. Barsness is a Re- publican in his politics, but has never sought a public office. He is a stock holder in the Parmer's Klevator at Kenyon. and attends the Norwegian Lutheran church. Ole T. Berg, of Cherry Grove township, was born in Norway, •Inly 16, 1843, son of Thov and Lieve (Gjermundson) Berg, na- tives of Norway, who emigrated to America in 1853. The father and his son Ole arrived safely, while the mother and two sisters died on the ocean of a contagious disease. The father located in Rock county, "Wisconsin, where he remained for eight years, then came to Minnesota in 1861 and settled in Pine Island town- ship, where he purchased 120 acres of land. This he broke and cleared, built a home and other outbuildings, and carried on general farming until his death in 1887. Ole received his edu- cation in the public schools of Rock county, Wisconsin, and worked with his father until August 15, 1862 when he enlisted in