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CONTENTS. a the Persians Conquest of Thrace by the Persians as far as the river Strymon Myrkinus near that river given to Histiaeus. Macedonians and Paeonians are conquered by Megabazus. Insolence of the Persian envoys in Macedonia they are murdered. Histiaeus founds a prosper ous colony at Myrkinus Darius sends for him into Asia. Otanes Persian general on the Hellespont he conquers the Pelasgian popula tion of Lemnos, Imbros, etc. Lemnos and Imbros captured by the Athenians and Miltiades 252-250 CHAPTER XXXV. IONIC KETOLT. Darius carries Histiaeus to Susa. Application of the banished Hippias to Artaphernes, satrap of Sardis. State of the island of Naxos Naxian exiles solicit aid from Aristagoras of Miletus. Expedition against Naxos, undertaken by Aristagoras with the assistance of Artaphernes the satrap. Its failure, through dispute between Aristagoras and the Persian general, Megabates. Alarm of Aristagoras he determines to revolt against Persia instigation to the same effect from His- tiaeus. Revolt of Aristagoras and the Milesians the despots in the various cities deposed and seized. Extension of the revolt throughout Asiatic Greece Aristagoras goes to solicit aid from Sparta. Refusal of the Spartans to assist him. Aristagoras applies to Athens obtains aid both from Athens and Eretria. March of Aristagoras up to Sardis with the Athenian and Eretrian allies burning of the town retreat and defeat of these Greeks by the Per- sians. The Athenians abandon the alliance. Extension of the revolt to Cyprus and Byzantium. Phenician fleet called forth by the Persians Persian and Phenician armament sent against Cyprus the lonians send aid thither victory of the Persians they reconquer the island. Successes of the Persians against the revolted coast of Asia Minor. Aristagoras loses courage and abandons the country. Appearance of Histiaeus, who had obtained leave of departure from Susa. Histieeus is suspected by Artaphernes flees to Chios. He attempts in vain to procure admission into Miletus puts himself at the head of a small piratical squadron. Large Persian force assembled, aided by the Pheni- cian fleet, for the siege of Miletus. The allied Grecian fleet mustered at Lade. Attempts of the Persians to disunite the allies, by means of the exiled despots. Want of command and discipline in the Grecian fleet. Energy of the Phokaean Dionysius he is allowed to assume tho command. Discontent of the Grecian crews they refuse to act under Dionysius. Contrast of this incapacity of the Ionic crews with the sub- sequent severe discipline of the Athenian seamen. Disorder and mis- trust grow up in the fleet treachery of the Samian captains. Com- plete victory of the Persian fleet at Lade ruin of the Ionic fleet se- vere loss of the Chians. Voluntary exile and adventures of Dionysius. Siege, capture, and ruin of Miletus by the Persians. The Phenician fleet reconquers all the coast-towns and islands. Narrow escape of Miltiades from their pursuit. Cruelties of the Persians after the recon- qnest. Movements and death of Histiaeus. Sympathy and terror of the Athenians at the capture of Miletus the tragic writer Phrynichus is fined 280-31"