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CONTENTS. vjj dition order mid unanimity in reference to the plan. Excitement in the city among all classes great increase in the scale on which the ex- pedition was planned. Large preparations made for the expedition. Review of these preliminary proceedings to the Sicilian expedition. Advice and influence of Nikias. Advice and influence of Alkibiades. Athens believed herself entitled to be mistiess of the islands as well as of the sea 118-162 CHAPTER LVIII.


DOWN TO THE FIRST WINTER AFTER THEIR ARRIVAL IN SICILY. Preparations for the expedition against Sicily general enthusiasm and sanguine hopes at Athens. Abundance in the Athenian treasury dis- play of wealth as well as of force in the armament. Mutilation of the Hernias at Athens. Numbers and sanctity of the Hermse. Violent ex- "-itcment and religious alarm produced by the act at A.iiuns. The authors of the act unknown but it was certainly done by design and conspiracy. Various parties suspected great probability beforehand that it would induce the Athenians to abandon or postpone the expedi- tion. The political enemies of Alkibiades take advantage of the reign- ing excitement to try and ruin him. Anxiety of the Athenians to detect and punish the conspirators rewards offered for information. In- formations given in commissioners of inquiry appointed. First accu- sation of AlkibiadSs, of having profaned and divulged the Eleusinian mysteries. Violent speeches in the assembly against Alkibiades unfa- vorably received. He denies the charge and demands immediate trial his demand is eluded by his enemies. Departure of the armament from Peiraaus splendor and exciting character of the spectacle. Solemni- ties of parting, on shipboard and on the water's edge. Full muster of the armament at Korkyra. Progress to Rhegium cold reception by the Italian cities. Feeling at Syracuse as to the approaching armament disposition to undervalue its magnitude, and even' to question its in- tended coming. Strenuous exhortations of Hermokrates, to be prepared. Temper and parties in the Syracusan assembly. Reply of Athenag- oras, the popular orator. Interposition of the strategi to moderate the violence of the debate. Relative position of Athenagoras and other par- ties at Syracuse. Pacific dispositions of Athenagoras. His general denunciations against the oligarchical youth were well founded. Active preparations at Syracuse on the approach of the Athenian armament. Discouragement of the Athenians at Rhegium on learning the truth respecting the poverty of Egcsta. The Athenian generals discuss their plan of action opinion of Nikias. Opinion of Alkibiades. Opinion of Lamachus. Superior discernment of Lamachus plan of Alkibiades preferred. Alkibiades at Messene Naxos joins the Athenians. Empty display of the armament. Alkibiades at Katana the Athenians mas ters of Katniirt they establish their station there. Refusal of Kamarina. Alkibiados is summoned home to take his trial. Feelings and pro- ceedings at Athens since the departure of the armament. Number of citizens imprisoned on suspicion increased agony of the public mind.

an..! Charikles the commissioners of inquiry. Information o'