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VICTORY OF NEON. 15? ous sally, he fell upon the blockading army unawares, routed them at all points with serious loss, and pressed his pursuit so warmly, that he got possession of Achradina, expelling them from that impor- tant section of the city. The provisions and money, acquired herein at a critical moment, rendered this victory important. But what gave it the chief value was, the possession of Achradina which Neon immediately caused to be joined on to Ortygia by a new line of fortifications, and thus held the two in combination. 1 Ortygia had been before (as I have already remarked) complete- ly distinct from Achradina. It is probable that the population of Achradina, delighted to be liberated from the Carthaginians, lent zealous aid to Neon both in the defence of their own walls, and in the construction of the new connecting lines towards Ortygia; for which the numerous intervening tombs would supply ma- terials. This gallant exploit of Neon permanently changed the position of the combatants at Syracuse. A horseman started instantly to convey the bad news to Hiketas and Magon near Katana. Both of them returned forthwith ; but they returned only to occupy half of the city Tycha, Neapolis, and Epipohe. It became ex- tremely difficult to prosecute a successful siege or blockade of Ortygia and Achradina united : besides that Neon had now ob- tained abundant supplies for the moment. Meanwhile Timoleon too was approaching, reinforced by the new Corinthian division ; who, having been at first detained at Thurii, and becoming sick of delay, had made their way inland, across the Bruttian territory, to Rhegium. They were fortunate enough to find the strait unguarded ; for the Carthaginian admiral Hanno having seen their ships laid up at Thurii, and not anti- cipating their advance by land had first returned with his squad- 1 Piatarch, Timoleon, c. 18 'O 6e Kopivdiof Ncuv, KO.TL&UV inrb r^j uxpas rovf virofe? L[i[j.ivov<; ruv TtohEfiiuv up-yuf Kal ufteTiUf (jiv^uTTOvraf, tt-ai<pvT}<; eve-rrtae 6 :aTrap/j.evoi<; avTolg Kal rot)f fisv uv&uv, TOVC de rpeyaue' vof, EKpitTrjae Kal Kareaxe TTJV Z.e-yojj.Evqv 'Axpatitvrjv, b Kpariarov edoKet Kal aftpavaroTciTov V7rup%eiv TTJC Zvpa/coaiav fiepof TroAeuf, rpoTrov riva avyKft- VEVJJC Kal avv7ip[toofj.Vijc K Tthetovuv iroheuv. Ei>7rop)?<Taf <5e Kal airov Kal Xpnfiaruv OVK atp^ne rbv TOTTOV, ovS 1 avexuprjae ird'kiv km T?/V uKpav, ^/ja^cljUevof rbv irfpiQuhov rrjg 'Axpadivijf K a I avvaiftaf Tolf TT)V uKponoTiiv, dif^ii'XaTrs VOL. XI. 14