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288 HISTORY OF GREECE. Persian king to purchase several Greeks for his own allies a the rest. " Let us neither be immoderately afraid of the Great King, no? on the other hand be ourselves the first to begin the war and wrong him as well on our own account as from the bad feeling and mistrust prevalent among the Greeks around us. If indeed we, with the full and unanimous force of Greece, could attack him un- assisted, I should have held that even wrong, done towards him, was no wrong at all. But since this is impossible, I contend that we must take care not to give the king a pretence for enforcing claims of right on behalf of the other Greeks. While we remain quiet, he cannot do any such thing without being mistrusted ; but if we have been the first to begin war, he will naturally seem to mean sincere friendship to the others, on account of their aversion to us. Do not, therefore, expose to light the sad distempers of the Hellenic world, by calling together its members when you will not persuade them, and by going to war when you will have no adequate force ; but keep the peace, confiding in yourselves, and making full preparation." ' It is this necessity of making preparation, which constitutes the special purpose of Demosthenes in his harangue. He pro- duces an elaborate plan, matured by careful reflection, 2 for im- proving and extending the classification by Symmories ; propos- ing a more convenient and systematic distribution of the leading 1 Dcmosthen. De Symmor. p. 188. s. 42-46 ....... 'flar' OVTE (f>Tjfii 6elv TTEpa rov (terpiov, oW vnax&r/vat irpoTipovs EK^Kpsiv rbv TTO- ..... TOVTOV f/[tEic ^o^ujj.E'&a ; /i^da/jcDf a/l/lu /ijycT udintifiev, av T<JV fj ft <Jv v eita K al rf/f r uv uTi^uv 'EAA^vwv rapa^^f K a I uTnariaf Eitel el y 1 bfiofiv/tadov r/v peTu KUVTUV tni-deadcu fiovp, ov6 : udiKEiv 7]/Mlf EX.- elvov udiKtj/t' uv edrjKa. 'EiTEi6jj 6e TOV& ovruf X l > tivhurrecrdai tyr/fii dslv pj) npoyaaiv 6u/j.ev fiaaihel TOV TU. tMitaia virsp ruv ttAAwv 'E/l/l^vwv ^TE'IV ' TJOV- %iav uev "yup E^OVTUV vfj,uv, jjiroTrrof uv E'LIJ TOIOVTO n npuTTuv no^.t^iov dt irpoTEpuv eZ/corwf uv 6 o K otrj 6 la TT) v irpbf v /*&( " v TO if d^/lotf <j>i^.of slvai ftovfaadai. M^ ovv E t%E y- df K a icuf lx ei r " 'EAX^vt/cu, avy nahovvr e f OT' a I nal Tro/le/zo vvr ef or' oil dvvf> ff ea & a/lA' %tT ftappoiivTES nal napaaKeva^ouevoi.

  • Demosthen. De Symmor. p. 181. s. 17. TV pev irapaaKsvi/v dnuf of

fiiffTa nal TU.I 7ra ycvijaeTai, iruvv TTV%U ^paypara in-^ov ff/comiv.