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AGIS HI. 500 ALEXANDER THE GREAT, drcd to, viii. 44: repulse of, by Thrasyllus, viii. 128 ; fruitless at- tempt of, to surprise Athens, viii. 156; invasions of Elis by, ix. 225 srq. ; death of, ix. 241. Agis III., ii. 387 scq. ; 127, 281 scq. A(jhiiiri'on, V. 1 17 n. Agnonides, xii. 351. Agones and festivals in honor of gods, i. 51. Agora, Honierie, ii. 67 scq. and Boule. "ii. 75. Agoratus, viii. 235, 240. Aqrigentine generals, accusation and "death of, x. 427. Agrigentines, and Agathokles, xii. 404, 406, 425; defeat of, by Lepti- nes and Demophilus, xii. 440; de- feat of, by Leptines, xii. 441. Agrigentum, iii. 366 ; Phalaris of, iv. 378, v. 204 ; and Syracuse, before B. c. 500, V. 205 ; prisoners sent to, after the battle of Himera, v. 225 ; and Syracuse, u. c. 446 vii. 126 ; after the Tlieronian dynasty, vii. 127; and Hannibal's capture of Se- linus, X. 408 ; defensive prepara- tions at, against Hannibal and Imil- kon, X. 422; strength, wealth, and population of, B. c. 406, x. 423 seq ; blockade and capture of, by the Carthaginians, x. 425 seq. ; com- plaints against the Syracusan gen- erals at X. 427, 431, 433 seq. ; declar- ation of, against Dionysius, xi. 6 : Timoleon and the fresh coloniza- tion of, xi. 187; siege of, by Aga- thokles, xii. 406. Agylla, plunder of the tem pie at, xi. 25. Aoyrium, Dionysius and Magon at, ix. "7. Agyrrhius, ix. 368. Ajux., son of Telamon, i. 187, 299. Ajar, son of Oileus, i. 189, 305, 310. Alxuithus, IV. 25 ; march of Xerxes to, v. 43 ; induced by Brasidas to revolt (Voin Athens, vi. 406 seq. ; speech of Brasidas at, ix. 193 seq. ; opposition of to the Olynthian con- federacy, X. 52 seq.^ 57. Aharnan and Amphoterus, i. 282. Aharnania, Demosthenes in, b. c. 426, vi. 296; expedition of Agesilaus against, ix. 3.54. Akarnanians, ii. 292 seq., iii. 407 seq. ; and Athens, alliance between, vi. 120 ; tinder Demosthenes save Naupaktus, vi. 303 ; and Amphi- lochians. pacific treaty of, with the Ambrakiots, vi. 311. Akastiis, wife of, and Peieus, i. 114. A/cesines, crossed hy Alexander, xii. 230. Alcrce in Sicily, iii. 366. Akragas, iii. 366. Akrisois, Danae and Perseus, i. 89 seq, Akroiatus, xii. 404. Akf<t6n, i. 260. Akte, Brasidas in, vi. 421. Akusilans, his treatment of rnvthcs, i. 390. Alasa, foundation of, x. 469. Alalia, Phokjcan colony at, iv. 205. Alazoiies, iii. 239. Alcyene and Keyx, i. 135. Aletes, ii. 9. Aleits, i. 176. Alexander of Macedon, and Greeks at Tempe, on Xerxes's invn.sion, v. 69; embassy of, to Athens, v. 150 seq.-. and the Athenians before the battle of Platsea, v, 151. Alexander the Great, his visit to Ilinra, i. 326 ; xii. 69 ; successors of, and Ilium, i. 326 ; comparison between the invasion of, and that of Xerxes, V. 240; birth of, xi. 241; at the battle of Chasroneia, xi. 500 ; quar- rels of, with his father, xi. 513, xii. 3; accession of.xi. 517, xii. 1,7; cha- racter, education, and early political action of, xii. 2 seq.; uncertain posi- tion of, during the last year of Phi- lip, xii. 5; Amyntas put to death by, xii. 8; march of into Greece, B. c. 336, xii. 11 ; chosen Impera- tor of the Greeks, xii. 13 ; con- vention at Corinth utider, b. c. 336, xii. 13 ; authority claimed b)', un- der the convention at Corinth, xii. 15; violations of the convention at Corinth by, xii. 16 seq.; expe- dition of into Thrace, xii. 22 seq., 25, n. ; embassy of Gauls to, xii. 26 ; victories of, over Kleitus and tlie lllyrians, xii. 27 5^7. ; revolt of Thebes against, xii. 29 seq. ; march of, from Thrace t;> Thebes, xii. 36 ; capture and destruction of Thebes by, xii. 37 seq. ; demands the surrender of knti-Macedonian leaders at Athen*. xii.4-i- At Oo-