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ATHENS. 514 ATHENS. year's truce between, b. c. 423, vi. 432 scq. ; and Sparta, relations be- tween, B. C. 423-422, vi. 449, 452 seq. ; necessity for voluntary accu- sers at, vi. 486 ; and Sparta, alli- ance between, n. C. 421, vii. 5 ; ap- plication of Corinthians to, b. c. 421, vii. 20 ; Lacedemonian envoys at, about Panaktum and Pylus, b. C. 420. vii. 29 ; and Argos, alliance between, r. c. 420, vii. 43 seq. ; con- vention of. with Argos, Mantineia, and Eiis, b. c 420, vii. 49 seq.; policy of, attempted by Alkibiades, B.C. 419, vii. 62 seq. attack of, npon Epidaurus, n. c. 419, vii. 64, 66; and Sparta, relations between, B. c. 419, vii. 69 ; and Argos, re- newed alliance between, b. c. 417, vii. 101 ; and Sparta, relations be- tween, B.C. 416, vii. 103; Sicilian expedition, vii. 132, 142, 144 seq^ 1 63 seq., 364 srq. ; mutilation of the Herma; at, vii. 167 seq., 197 seq. ; injurious effects of Alkibiades"s banishment upon, b. C. 415, vii. 216 ; Nikias's despatch to, for reinforcements, b c. 414, vii. 274 seq. ; and Sparta, violation of the peace between, b. c- 414, vii. 28* ; effects of the Lacedaemonian occu- pation of Dekeleia on, vii. 354 seq. : dismissal of Thracian mercenaries from, 357 seq.; revolt of Chios, Erythrse, and Klazomenfe from, B. C. 412, vii. 371 ; appropriation of the reserve fund at, vii. 373 : loss of Teos by, b. c. 412, vii. 374 ; revolt of Lebedos and p]rsB from, B. c. 412, vii. 375; loss and re- covery of I^esbos by, b. c. 412, vii. 384 seq. ; recovery of Klazomenae by, B. c. 412, vii. 384; rally of, during the year after the disaster at Syracuse, viii. 1 ; conspiracy of the Four Hundred at, viii. 1, 7 seq., 31 seq.; loss of Oropus by, viii. 25 ; arrival of the Paralus at, from Samos, viii. 30; constitutional morality of, viii. 25 ; restoration of democracy at, b. c. 41 1 , viii. 69 seq., 77 seq., 81 seq., 89 ; contrast be- tween oligarchy at, and democracy at Samos, B. C. 411, viii. 91 seqi.; re- volt of Byzantium from, b. C. 411, »iii. 07 ; revolt of Abydos and Lampsakus from, viii. 94 ; revoh of Kyzikus from, viii. 112; zeal of Pharnabazus against, viii. 1 13; pro- posals of peace from Sparta to, b. c. 410, viii. 122 seq.; return of Alki- biades to. B. c. 407, viii. 145 seq.: fruitless attempt of Agis to sur- prise, B. c. 407, viii. 150; com- plaints at, against Alkibiades, b. c. 407, viii. 152 seq.; conflicting sen- timents at, caused by the battle of Arginusse, viii. 175; alleged pro- ]>osals of peace from Sparta to, after the battle of Arginusie, viii. 210; condition of her dependencies, after the battle of vEgospotami, viii. 213 S(?9'. ; oath of mutual har- mony at, after the battle of iEgos- .potami, viii. 225 ; surrender of, to Lysander, viii. 226 seq. ; return of oligarchical exiles to, b. c. 404, viii. 234 ; oligarchical party at, B.C. 404, viii. 235 ; imprisonment of Strom bichides and other democrats at, b c. 404, viii. 236; the Thirty tyrants at, viii. 237, 240 seq., ix. 182 seq., 1 86 sey., 1 98 ; Lacedasmonian gar- rison at, under Kallibins, viii. 242 ' alteration of feeling in Greece after the capture of, by Lysander. viii. 259, 264, 275 ; rest"orat"ion of Thra sybulus and the exiles to, viii. 279; restoration of the democracy at, b. c 403, viii. 280, 294, 295, 298 seq., 308 seq. ; condition of, b. C. 405- 403, viii. 293; abolition of Helle- notamiae and restriction of citizen- ship at B. c. 403, viii. 310 seq. ; de- velopment of dramatic genius at, between the time of Kleisthenes and of Eukleides, viii. 318 seq., 327 seq. : accessibility of the thea- tre at, viii. 321 ; growth of rhetoric and philosophy at, viii. 338 seq. ; literary and philosophical antipatliy at, viii. 348 ; enlargement of the field of education at, viii. 349 ; sophists at, viii. 350 se^, 399 ; ban- ishment of Xenophon from, ix. 175; Theban application to, for aid against Sparta, b. c. 395< ix, 291 seq. ; alliance of Thebes, Co- rinth, Argos and, against Sparta, ix. 301 ; contrast beisveen political conflicts at, and at Corinth, ix. 330 n. 3 ; alarm at, on the Lacedaemc-