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CHAlilDEMUS. 520 CHOERILL'S. 28/ ; unsuccessful attempt of, to seize Corinth, x. 289; in the Cher- sonese, B. c. 358, X. 379 ; at Chios, xi. 374; in the Hellespont, xi. 224; accusation of Iphikiates and Ti- motlieus by, xi. 226 seq. ; and Ar- tabazus, xi. 230; conquest of Ses- tos by, xi. 258 ; expedition of, to Olynthus, xi. 349 ; at the battle of Chseroneia, xi. 502 ; capitula- tion of, at Mitylene, xii. 142. Cfiaridemus, x. 251 ; and Iphikrates X. 299; and Timotheus, x. 300, 301 ; and Kephisodotus, x, 374, 377 ; and Kersobleptes, x. 376, 377 ; and the Athenians in the Chersonese, b. C. 360-358, x. 377 seq. ; and Miltokythes, x. 378 ; his popularity and expedition to Thrace, xi. 307 ; expedition of, to Chalkidike, xi. 349 ; put to death by Darius, xii. 108. Charidemus and Ephialtes, banish- ment of, xii. 46. Charikles, expedition of, to Pelopon- nesus, B. c. 413, vii. 288; and Pei- sander, vii. 198. Charilaiis and Lykurgus, ii. 344 ; the Samian, iv. 249. Charites, the, i. 10. C/iaritesia, festival of, i. 128. Charlemagne, legends of, i 475. Charmande, dispute among the Cy- reian forces near, ix. 35. Charihinus, victory of Astyochus over, vii. 397. Charon the Theban, x. 81 seq. Charondus, iv. 417. Charopiniis, iv. 290. Cheirisophus, ix. 80 ; and Xenophon, ix. 92, 95, 106 seq.; at the Ken- trites, ix. 99 ; mission of, to Byzan- tium, ix. 125 ; return of, from By- zantium, ix. 144 ; elected sole gen- eral of the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 145; denth of, ix. 148. Chersonese, Thracian, iv. 27 ; con- nection of, with Athens under Pe- isistratus, iv. 117 seq.; attacked by the Athenians, b. c. 479, v. 201 ; operations of Perikles in, vi. 10 : retirement of Alkibiades to, b. c. 407, viii. 159; fortification of, by Derkyllidas, ix. 218; partial read- mis.sion of Athenians to, b. c. 365 X. 296 seq. ; Epaminondas near, x 301 , 306 ; Timotheus at, x. 302. 306 368; Ergopliilus in the, x.3&9se(/ ; Kotys in the, x. 373 ; Kepliiso- dolus in the, X. 374: Charidemus and the Athenians in tiie, x. 377 seq. ; restoration of, to Athens, b. C. 358, X. 379, xi. 219; Kersoblep- tes cedes part of, to Athens, xi. 258 ; speech of Demosthenes on, xi. 451 ; mission of Demosthenes to, xi. 453 ; votes of thanks from, to Atheis, xi. 461. Chians at Lade iv. 304; activity of in promoting revolt among tlio Athenian allies, vii. 374; expedi- tion of, against Lesbos, vii. 382 seq.; improved condition of, B.C. 411, viii. 94. Chimcera, the, i. 7. Chios, foundation of, iii. 147; His- tiseus at, iv. 299 ; an autonomous ally of Athens, vi. 2; proceeding of Athenians at, b. C. 425, vi. 360; application from, to Sparta, B. C. 413, vii. 365 ; the Lacedaemonians persuaded by Alkibiades to send aid to, vii. 367; suspicions of the Atlienians about, b. c. 412, vii. 368; expedition of Chalkideus and Alkibiades to, vii. 369 seq.; revolt of, from Athens, b. C. 412, vii. 371 seq. ; expedition of Strombicides to. vii. 374 ; harassing operations of the Athetiians against, B. C. 412, vii. 385 seq, 391, 393; prosperity of, between n. c. 480-412, vii. 387, defeat of Pedaritus at, viii. 20; re- moval of Mindarus from Miletus to, viii. 101 ; voyage of Mindarus from, to the Hellespont, viii. 102, 102 n. ; revolution at, furthered by Kratesippidas, viii. 140; escape of Eteonikus from MitylenS to, viii. 175, 189; Eteonikus at, viii. 211; revolt of, from Athens, b. c. 35S, xi. 220 seq., 231 ; repulse of tlie Athenians at, b. C. 358. xi. 223; acquisition of, by Memnon, xii. 105 ; capture of, by Macedonian admirals, xii. 141. Chivalry, romances of, i. 475 seq. Chlidon, X. 84. Charrilus, Nake's comments on, ii 137 n. ; poem of. on the expedition of Xerxes into Greece, v. 39 n.