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ERGOKLES, 532 EUnVMKDON. pizing faction at, xi. 449 ; libera- tion of, xi. 452. Eryokles, ix. 368 n. 1. Erqophilui,, x. 369 seq. Erichthoniiis, i. 192, 196, 285. Eriphjjle, i. 272 seq. Eros, i. 4 ; and Aphrodite, function of, i. 5. Erytheia, i. 249. Erythrce^ ill 187, vii. 371. Eryx, defeat of Dionysius at. xi. 46. Eryxo and Learchus. iv. 43. Eteoklcs, i. 128, 267, 280. Eteonikus, expulsion of, from Thasos, viii. 127; at Mitylene, viii. 170; escape of, from JNIitvlene to Chios, viii. 174, 190; at Chios, viii. 211 ; removal of, from Chios to Ephesus, viii. 213 ; in JEg'ina, ix. 372, 375. Ethiopians and Egyptians, iii. 313. Etruria, plunder of, by Dionysius, xi. 2.5. Euctphmis and Polychares, ii. 426. Eubcea, iii. 163 seq.; resolution of Greeks to oppose Xerxes at the strait on the north of, v. 71 ; ad- vance of the Persian fleet to, v. 102; revolt and reconquest of, by TeriklC'S, v. 349 ; application from, to Agis, vii. 364 ; revolt of, from Athens, B c. 411, viii. 73; Pelo- ponnesian fleet summoned from, l)y Mindarus, viii. Ill; bridge joining Bceotia and, viii. 112, 118 ; rescued from Thebes by Athens, u. c. 358, xi. 216 seq.; revolt of, from Athens, b. c. 350-349, xi. 339 seq.; intrigues of Philip in, xi. 339 ; expedition of Phokion to, b. C. 342, xi. 340seq. ; hostilities in, c. C. 349-348, xi. 345; Philippi- /ing factions in, b. c. 342, xi. 449 ; expedition of Phokion to, b. c. 341, xi. 452. Eubcea in Sicily, v. 215. Euboic scale, ii. 319, 324, iii. 171. Euboic synod, xi. 453. Eubulus. xi. 277, 308, 366, 368, 394. Eudamidas, x. 58, 65. Euemerus's treatment of mythes, i. 411. Eiienus, i. 112. Eukleides, archonship of, viii. 280, .309. Fukles, vi. 407, 409, 413 seq. i.'u7narA((5, xii. 438, 439 Eu-melus of Bosporus, xii. 481 seq. Eumelus the poet, i. 120 seq. Eumenes, xii. 74; and Hcphfestion, xii. 246; and Perdikkas, xii. 320; victory of, over Kraterus and Ne- optolemns, xii. 336 seq.; attempts (.f. tt) uphold Alexander's dynasty in Asia, xii. 340 seq. ; and Anti- gonus, xii. 337. Enmenides, iEschylus's, and t)ic Are- opagus, iii. 80 H. Eumolpus. i. 202 seq. Eunomus. ix. 374. Eupatridxe, iii. 72 seq. Euphaes, ii. 426. Euphemiis, speech of, at Kamarina, vii. 231. Euphilettis and Meletus, vii. 204. Evphrccus, xi. 206, 448. Euphrates. Cyrus the Younger at, ix. 31 ; the Ten Thousand Greeks at, ix. 103 ; Alexander at, xii. 150, 250. Euphron, X. 269 seq Eitripedes, faults imputed to, i. 389 seq. ; story about the dramas of, and the Athenian prisoners in Si- cily, vii. 346 ; number of tragedies by, viii. 319 ti. ; ^scliylus and So- piiokles, viii. 322 seq. ; and Dekam- nichus, X. 47. Euripides, financial proposal of. ix. 380 n. Euripus, bridge across, viii. 112, 118. EurSpa, i. 218 seq., 527. Eurotas, crossed by Epaminondas, X. 218. £wrya/u5, Ilamilkar's attempt on, xii 423. Eurybates, v. 49. Eurybiades, v. 75. 120 seq. Eurydike, widow of Amvntas, x. 250. Eurydike, granddaughter of Philip, xii. 333, 334. 337. Euryieon, v. 207. Enr'ylochus, vi. 301, 302, 304, 30f). Erymedon, victories of the, v. 308. Eurymedon at Korkyra, vi. 274 soq ; and Sophokles, expedition of, i<> Korkyra and Sicily, vi. 316 seq., 360 seq. ; at Pylns, vi. 322 seq., 333; expeditions of, to Sicilv, vii. 133, 136, 287; return of, "from Sicily to Athens, vii. 139