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K ALU AS. 542 KKIiASUS. KalJinh, son of KuJllades, vi. 70, 72. Kallias at the congress at Sparta, b. 0. .371, X. 16.5. Knllias of C/ialkis, xi. 341 seq., 452. Kallihiiis, the Lacedcemonian, viii. 242 ix. 18S. Kallibiiis of Tegea, x. 209. Kallikles, in Plato, viii. 382 scq. Kallikratida.'S, viii. IGO seq., 263. K(dlimachus, the polemarch, iv. 341, 348. Kallinus, iv. 73. 77. KallipidcE, iii. 239. Kallippus, xi. 123 seq , 128 seq. KalUrrhoe, i. 7, 282. Kallisthenes. ike historian, i. 410. Kallithenes, the general^ lailure and condemnation of, x. 370, xi. 423. Kallisthenes of Ohjnthus, xii. 213, 216 seq., 222 seq. Kallisto, i. 17.5. Kallistratus,y..UO, 164, scq., 172, 288, xi. 266. Kfdlixeniis, viii. 194 seq., 203, 205. Kalpe, tiie Ten Thousand Greeks at. ix. 148 seq. Kalydonian boar, i. 143, 146 seq. Knmarina, iii. 366 : restoration of, to independence, v. 237 ; and the Athenians, vii. 194 ; Athenian and Syracnsan envoj's at, vii. 229 seq ; neutral policy of, n. c. 415, vii. 233 : evacuation of, x. 450 ; and Ti- moleon, xi. 187. Kambi/ses, iv. 47, 218 scq. Kandaules, iii. 220. Kanndnus, pscpiiism of, viii. 197 n. Kanopic branch of the Nile, opening of, to Greek traffic, iii. 327. Kapaneus. i. 273. 278. Kappadokia suhdued by Alexander, xii. 111. Kardla, Athenian fleet at, viii. 120; alliance of, with Philip, xi. 451 ; Eumenes of, xii. 74. Karduchians, and the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 95 seq. Karia, resistance of, to Danrises, iv. 294. Knrmania, Alexander's bacchanalian procession through, xii. 237. Karneian festival, ii. 306 )>., v. 78. Karneius Apollo, i. 49. Karnus, ii. 3. Karpathus, ii. 31. Karystus, iv. 331, v 303. Kassander, Alexander's treatment ot, xii. 254 ; schemes cf, on Antipater'a death, xii. 339 ; and Polysperchon, war between, xii. 360; gets pos- session of Athens, xii. 36? ; in Pe- loponnesus, xii. 365 ; defeat of Olympias by, xii. 366 ; confederacy of, with Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleukus against Antigonus, xii, 367, 372, 382, 387 ; founds Kas- sandreia and restores Thebes, xii. 368 ; and Alexander, son of Polys- perchon, xii. 368, 369 ; and the TEtolians, xii. 370; measures of Antigonus against, xii. 369, 370 ; great power of, in (irecce, xii. 371 ; Ptolemy, and Lysimachus. paciti- cation of, with Antigonus, xii. 371 ; compact of Polysperchon with, xii. 372, 381 ; Ptolemy makes a truce with, xii. 373 ; success of Demetrius Poliorketes in Greece against, xii. 382 ; truce of, with Demetrius Po- liorketes, xii. 387 ; death of, xii. 389. Kassandra^ i. 287. Kastor and Pollux, i. 169 seq. Kntabothra, ii. 218. Katana. iii. 364; and iEtna, v. 236 ; Alkibiades at, vii. 194; Nikias at, vii. 234 ; conquest of, by Dionysins, X. 468 ; Carthaginian naval victory near, x. 495; Ilikelas and Magon at, xi. 156. Kalonakophori, iii. 35. Katreus and Allhsemene-i, i. 224. Kaulonia, iii. 384, xi. 14, 17 ; Dikon of, xi. 28. Kaumis, Antisthenes at, vii. 397. Kdijstru-Pedion, march of Cyrus from Keramon- Agora to, ix. 17 n. 2. Kebalimts, -au. 191. 194. Kekrops, i. 195 seq. ; the second, i. 204 Kelaince, Alexander at, xii. 101. Keleos,!. 38 seq., 196. Kelenstes, vi. 200 n. Kenchrece, Peloponncsian fleet at, vii 382. Kentrites, the Ten Thousand Greeks at the, ix. 99 seq. KephaUenia, iii. 410, vi. 135, 141. Kephahis, i. 195 n. 4, 198 ; and Diony- sins at Syracuse, xi. 107. Kephisodotus, x. 374. 377. Kerasus. the Ten Thousand Greeks at, ix! 127.