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lilybj:um. 548 LYSLMACllL'S. 2, vii. 53 n., 59 ; mission of to MilG- tus, vii. 397, 398, viii. 98. Lilybaum, delcat of Dionysic= near, xi. 45. Limos, i. 7, 10, «. 6. Lion, the Xemean, i. 7. Lissits, foundation of, xi. 24. Lin/, his opinion as to the chances of Alexander, if he had attacked tiie Komans, xii. 260 ; on the char- acter of Alexander, xii. 2G5 n. 3. fjixiis and Tingis, iii. 273 n. 1. Loans on interest, iii. 109, 159. Localities, epical, i. 245, f^cliages, Spartan, ii. 459. Lochiis, Spartan, ii. 458 seq. ; Mace- donian, xii. 60. Lofjoffraphers and ancient mvthes, i. 377, 390 seq. Lokri, Epizeplirian, early history of, iii. 379 seq.; and Dionysius, x. 476, xi. 17, 21, 23; Dionysius the Younger at, xi. 105, 132 seq. Lokrian coast opposite Euboea, Athe- nian ravage of, vi. 136. Lokrians, ii. 287 ; Ozolian, ii. 290 ; Italian, iii. 380 seq., iv. 172 n. ; of Opus and Leonidas, v. 76: and Phokians, xi. 251, 2.53; of Ain- phissa, xi. 469. Lokris and Athens, v. 331. [jOng Walls at Megara, v. 324 ; at Ath- ens, V. 325 seq, 327, 331, vi. 20, viii. 231, ix. 328 seq.; at Corinth, ix. 340 seq. Lucanians, xi. 9 seq , 132. Lucretius and ancient mytlies, i. 430 n. Lydia, early history of, iii. 220 seq. Lj/dian music and instruments, iii. "212, 219; monarchv, iii. 262, iv. 191 seq. L^ydians, iii. 215 seq., 219, iv. 198. Lyicceus, Zeus, i. 174. Lykambes and Archilochus, iv. 81. Lykaoii and his fifty sons, i. 173 seq. Lykia, conquest of, by Alexander, xii. 99. T^ykidas, the Athenian senator, v. 155. Lykomedes, x. 259 seq., 281, 288. Lykophron, son of Periander, iii. 42. LykophrCn, despot of Pheroe, xi. 261, 292, 294. Lykurcjus the Spartan, laws and dis- cipline of, ii. 337-349, 351-421. Lykurgui the Athenian, xii. 278, 378. Lykus, i. 204 ; and Dirke, i. 263. Lynkeus and Idas, i. 172. Lyre, Hermes the inventoi of, i. 59 Lyric jMetry, Greek, ii. 136, iv. 73; 93. Lysander, appointments of, as admi- ral, viii. 138 n., 212; character and influence of, viii. 139, ix. 309 ; and Cyrus the Younger, viii. 140 seq., 214, 215 ; factions organized by, in the Asiatic cities, viii, 143, at Eph- esus, viii. 152. 212; victory of, at Notium, viii. 153; superseded by Kallikratidas, viii. 162; revolution at Miletus by the partisans of, viii. 213 ; operations of, after the battle of Arginusa;, viii. 215 seq.; victory of, at jEgospotami, viii. 217 seq.; proceedings of, after the battle of -Sigospotami, viii. 222; at Atliens, viii. 226 seq., 237 ; conquest of Sa- mos by, viii. 238 : triumphant re- turn of, to Sparta, viii. 238; ascen- dency and arrogance of, after the capture of Athens, viii. 261, ix. 204, 236 seq. ; opposition to, at Sparta, viii. 262, ix. 204 ; contras- ted with Kallikratidas, viii. 263; expedition of, against Thrasybulus, viii. 274 : dekarchies established by, ix. 184 seq., 197; contrasted with Brasidas, ix. 195; recall and temporary expatriation of, ix. 205 ; introduction of gold and silver to Sparta by, ix. 230 seq. ; intrigues of, to make himself king, ix. 237, 239 seq., 300 ; and Agesilaus, ix. 242 seq., 257,260 seq.; and tlie Boeotian war, ix. 292,295; death of, ix. 296. Lysias, seizure of, by the Tliirty at Athens, viii. 248; speech of, a- gainst Phormisius's disfranchising proposition, viii. 294 ; proposed citizenship of, viii. 309, oration of, against Ergokles, ix. 367 ; oration of, at Olympia, b. c. 384, x. 73 seq. ; panegyrical oration of, xi. 29 seq., 35 n. Lysikles, vi. 232. Lysikles, general at Chaorinea, xi 502. Lysimachus, confederacy of, with Kas- sander, Ptolemy, and Seleukus, a- gainst Antigonus, xii. 367, 372,