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PELLA. 559 PERDIKKAS. ) Sn. embassies from Grecian states

.t, B. c. 34G, xi. 404 scq. ; under

Philip, xii. 66. PeMne, i. 318 ; and Phlius, X.-271. Pelopidas, escape of, to Athens, x. 61 ; conspiracy, of, against tlie philo- Laconian rulers at Thebes, x. 81 seq. ; slaughter of Leontiades by, X. 86: and Epaminondas, x. 121; ictorv of, at Tegyra, x. 134 ; in Thessaly, x. 249, '263, 283 seq , 303, 307 scq, ; and Philip, x. 249 )/. 2, 264; and Alexander of Pherse, x. 282 seq.; death of, x. 308. Pelopidas, i. 153 seq.. 160. Peloponnesian war, its injurious ef- fects upon the Athenian empire, vi. 46 : war, commencement of, i. 103-153 ; fleet, Phormio's victories over, vi. 196 seq., 203 seq. ; war, agreement of the Peloponnesian confederacy at the commencement of, vii. 19 «. ; allies, synod of, at Corinth, b. c. 412, vii. 368 ; fleet of under Theramenes, vii. 387 seq: ; fleet at Khodes, vii. 400 seq., viii. 9i; fleet, return of, from lihodes 1,0 Miletus, viii. 25, fleet discontent •n, Miletus, viii. 95, 97 seq. ; fleet, capture of, at Kyzicus, viii. 121 ; Sleet, pay of, by Cvrus, viii. 143 ; twnfederacy, assembly of, at Sparta, •i. c. 404, viii. 228 ; confederacy, thens at the head of, b. c. 371, x. '01 ; allies of Sparta after the Pe- oponnesian war, xi. 280. I .hponnesians, immigrant, ii. 303; conduct of, after the battle of Ther- mopylifi. v. 106; and Mardonius's approach, v. 154 scq. ; and the for- tification of Athens, v. 243 seq., 247; five years' truce of, with Athens, v. 334 ; position and views of, in commencing the Pelopon- nesian war, vi. 94 seq., 113,124 seq. ; invasions of Attica, by, un- der Archidamus, vi. 126 seq., 154; slaughter of neutral prisoners by, vi. 182; and Ambrakiols attack Akar- nania, vi. 194 seq. ; application of revolted Mitylenaeans to, vi. 226 seq.; and ^Etolians attack Nau- paktus, vi. 301 ; and Tissaphernes, vii. 387, 395 seq., viii. 4, 21 seq., 113 seq., defeat of, at Kjnossema, viii. 109 seq. ; at Abydos. viii. 117 aid of Pharnabazus to, viii. 126. _ letters of Philip to, xi. 492. Pe/opo»!«es«s, eponym of, i. 154; in- vasion and division of, by the Ue- rakleids, ii. 4 ; mythical title of the Dorians to, ii. 6 ; extension of Pindus through, ii. 212; distril)!! tion of, about B.C. 450; ii. 299 seq.; difference between the distri- bution, B. c. 450 and 776, ii. 302 ; population of, which was believed to be indigenous, ii. .303 ; southern inhabitants of, before tl»e Dorian invasion, ii. 337 ; events in, dur- ing the first twenty years of the Atiienian hegemony, V. 315 seq., voyage of Tolmides round, v. 331 ; ravages of, by the Athenians, vi. 135, 164; political relations in, n. c. 421, vii. 23; expedition of Al- kibiades into the interior of, vii. 63 ; expedition of Konon and Phar- nabazus to, ix. 322 ; circumnavi- gation of, by Timothens, x. 132 ; proceedings in, after the battle of Leuktra, x. 198, 242; expedition of Epaminondas to, x. 2)5 seq., 254 seq., 266 seq., 328 seq. ; state of, B. c. 362, X. 313 scq. ; visits of Dion to, xi. 61 ; disunion of, b. c. 360-359, xi. 199; aifairs of, E. c. 354-352, xi. 290 seq., war in, b. C. 352-352, xi. 299 ; intervention of Philip in, after b. c. 346, xi. 443 ; expedition of Philip to, xi. 511 ; Kassander and Polysperchon in, xii. 360, 365 ; Kassander and Alex- ander, son of Polvsperchon, in, xii. 368, 369. Pefops, i. 154 seq. Felusium, Alexander at, xii 146. Penal procedure at Athens, iv. 366 ». Peneslce, Thessajian, ii. 279 scq. Peritakosiomedimni, iii. 117. PentapoUs on the south-west coast of the Euxine, xii. 458, 472. Pentehoniers, Spartan, ii. 459. Fentekostys, i. 458. Fenthesifeia, ii. 209, 298. Pentlieiis and Agave i. 262 scq. Perdikkas I., iv. 17. Perdikkas II., relations and proceed ings of, towards Athens, vi. 67 seq., 71, 141, 370. 448 seq., vii. 96, 104; and Sitalkes, xi. 217,220; appli-