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S lUAXS. 578 TEN THOUSAXl) GREEKS. Sijriuns, not distinguished from As- syrians in Greek authors, iii. 290 n. Stpphax, xii. 90. i>ijssUia, or public mess at Sparta, ii. 381. Tackos, X. 361 scq. Taqus, Thessalian, ii. 281. 7iUk, i. 240. Tamos, X. 13. Tumynce, Pliokion's victory at, xi. 341 ; Demosthenes reproached for his absence from the battle of, xi. 344. Tanagra, hattle of, v. 328 ; reconcili- ation of leaders and parties at Athens, after the battle of, v. 329. Tantiilus, i. 157. Taoclii, and the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 109 seq. Taphians in Homer's time, ii. 102. Taraiito, fishery at, iii. 389 ?(. 2. Tarentiucs and Rhegians, expedition of, afrainst the lapygians, v. 238 ; and Mesapians, xii. 394. Tnrentum. foundation of cities in the Gulf of, i. 230; Greek settlements on the Gulf of, iii. 384 ; foundation and position of, iii. 387 seq. Tarsus, origin of, i. 85 n., iii. 277 ; Cyrus the Younger at, ix. 20 seq.; Alexander at, xii. 112. Tartarus, i. 4, 8, 9. Tartesstis, iii. 274 ; not visited by Greeks before b. c. 630, iii. 277 ; Kolreus's voyage to, iii. 278. Tauri in the Crimea, iii. 245. Tauromenium, iii. 362 ; commence- ment of, X. 493 ; repulse of Dio- nysins at, xi. 5 ; capture of, by Dionysius, xi. 8 ; Timoleon at, xi. 146. Taurus, -nv. S2 n. 2. Taurus, Mount, Alexander at, xii. 111. Taxiarch, ii. 460. Taxila, Alexander at, xii. 227. Tearless Battle, the, x. 265 seq. Tecjea and Mantinea, ii. 443 seq., vi. 452, vii. 13 ; and Sparta, ii. 447 seq. ; bones of Orestes taken from, ii. 448 ; refusal of, to join Argos, B. c. 421, vij. 19 ; plans of the Ar- peian allies against, b. c. 41 S, vii. 76 ; march of Agis to the relief of, B. c. 418, vii. 77 ; revolution at, b, c. 370, X. 209 ; seizure of Arcadi- ans at, by the Theban harrnost, x. 324 seq. ; Epaminondas at, b. C. 362, X. 329, 330, 333, 335 seq.; march of Epaminondas from, b. c. 362, X. 338 seq. Tegyra, victory of Pelopidas at, x.134. Teian inscriptions, iii. 186 n. Telanon, i. 189 scq. Telerjomis, i. 315. Tetekus, conquests of, ii. 421 : death of, ii. 425. Teleontes, iii. 51. Telephus, i. 177, 292. Teleutius and Agesilaus, capture of the Long Walls at Corinth, and of Lechseum by, ix. 339 scq. ; ex- pedition of, to Rhodes, ix. 364, 368; at ^gina, ix. 373,376; at- tack of, on the Peirseus, ix. 377 seq ; at Olynthus, x. 65 seq. Telines, iv. 106 n., v. 208 seq. Tehjs, of Syharis, iv. 412 seq. Temenion and Solygeius, ii. 309. Temenus, Kresphontes, and Aristode- mus, ii. 2 seq. ; and Kresphontes, family of, lowest in the series of subjects for heroic drama, ii. 10. Te/HHos, situation of, iii. 191 n. 1. Tempe, remarks of Herodotus on the legend of, i. 400 ; Delphian pro- cession to. ii. 275 7}. 2 ; Grecian army sent to defend, against Xer- xes, v. 68 ; abandonment of the defence of, against Xerxes, v. 69 seq. Temple of Eleusis built by order of Demeter, i. 40. Tcnedos, continental settlements of, iii. 195; recovery of, by Macedo- nian admirals, xii. 141. Ten, appointment of the, at Athens, viii. 271 ; measures of the, at Ath- ens, viii. 272 ; peace between the, at Athens, and Thrasybulus, viii. 279 seq. ; treatment of the, at Ath- ens, B. C. 403, viii. 293. Ten generals appointed to succeed Alkibiades, viii. 159. Tennes, the Sidonian prince, xi. 438. Ten Thousand Greeks, position and circumstances of, ix. 11 ; com- mencement of their retreat, it. i'*